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This topic was locked 24th Dec 08 at 5:24pm by Dreg[Bot]
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Spell checker (6th Sep 08 at 8:18pm UTC)
This will spell check for you. The only thing you need to do is add this:

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="http://buttercup.spellingcow.com/spell/scayt"></script>
  2. <script type="text/javascript">
  3. <!--
  5. var sc_ayt_params = {ayt_default : 'on'} ;
  7. //-->
  8. </script>

to the global or main footers and it will show this:


in The Quick Reply and the actual posting box.

This is what the list looks like:

All you have to do is double click the misspelled word and it will come up with a list of the correct spellings.

It works in FireFox, Opera, Internet Explore, Safari, and Google Chrome

All credit goes to

Testing forum:

accidentally had it in the code support board, it has been moved to here XD

If you need support go to the support board and I will try to help you as best as I can. I am reading up on the spell checker to learn its possibilities and what not.

edit:2 There has been a little change in the code. It seems the first code would not work in the Main posting field, but it worked well in the Quick Reply

Reply to Marc:

My friend wont join vF because there is no spell checker. She uses the AOL browser, and thats all she can use, because the computer is her parents. She is trying to save up enough money for her own computer though.

Also Internet Explore does not have a spell checker either, I have been monitoring my members by using statcounter and the vast majority of them use IE.
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Re: Spell checker (30th Sep 08 at 10:30am UTC)
Spell checkers are built-in to most browsers now; a code like this really isn't necessary. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.


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Re: Spell checker (24th Dec 08 at 5:24pm UTC)
Code, doesn't work. Recheck, test in all browsers and make a new post.


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This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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