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Recoding the future

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Profile Spoiler Area (18th May 08 at 3:39pm UTC)
This code will allow your members to choose some 'text' to show in their sig. Each thing will appear as an option in a drop down. Was requested for 'profile spoiler' or something like that.

Use for anything you want! {Smile}
Possibly RPG items? {Unsure}


/*Profile Spoiler Area in Signature
Created By Wrighty

var d;
function save(){
    if(!f.vf_mp.value == "" ){
        f.hidden.value = '{w_spoiler:'+f.vf_mp.value+'}' + f.hidden.value;
if(document.profile_form && document.profile_form.hidden){
    var f = document.profile_form;
    r = f.avatar_height.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertRow(8);
    r.insertCell(0).innerHTML = '<font size=2>Personal Spoiler:</font>';
    r.insertCell(1).innerHTML = '<input type="text" size="25" name="vf_mp">';
    r.insertCell(2).innerHTML = '<font size=1>Seperate each item by a comma.</font>';
    f.hidden.value = f.hidden.value.replace(/{w_spoiler:(.+?)}/,'');
        f.addEventListener('submit', save,false);
        f.attachEvent('onsubmit', save);
if(location.href.match(/view/)) {
    var num = 0;
    var x = get('tr','tag');
        if(x[re].innerHTML.match(/hidden_vars/) && x[re].innerHTML.match(/w_spoiler/)){
            var s = x[re].getElementsByTagName('span');
                    d = s[ui];
                if(d.innerHTML.match(/{w_spoiler:(.+?)}/) && RegExp.$1 != ''){
                    var d_ub = document.createElement('SELECT');
                    var w_ub = [];
                    w_ub = RegExp.$1.split(/,/);
                        for (ar=0;ar<w_ub.length;ar++) {
                            d_ub.options[d_ub.options.length] = new Option(w_ub[ar]);
                        if(x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].className.match(/signature/) && num != 0){
                            x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].insertBefore(d_ub, x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].getElementsByTagName('font')[0]);
                        }else if(x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].getElementsByTagName('div')[0] && x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].id.match(/signature/)){
                            x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].insertBefore(d_ub, x[re].getElementsByTagName('td')[z].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].firstChild);

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