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Floating side menu. (27th Apr 09 at 9:49pm UTC)
I need a code that will have a side table float, just like the floating menu buttons. I do need both the table and the floating side buttons connected. So like

Floating Menu:
  1. <style>
  2. body {
  3. margin-top: 20px;
  4. }
  5. </style>
  6. <table width=73px border=0 style="position: fixed; left: 0px; top: -4px">
  7. <tr>
  8. <td align="center">
  9. <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" class="border" border=0 width=95%>
  10. <tr>
  11. <td class="title1" id='new_menu'></td>
  12. </tr>
  13. </table>
  14. </td>
  15. </tr>
  16. </table>
  17. <script>
  18. /*Floating Menu
  19. Created By Wrighty
  20. Do Not: Rip, Repost or Claim*/
  21. get('new_menu','id').appendChild(get('menu_buttons','id').getElementsByTagName('font')[0]);
  22. get('menu_buttons','id').parentNode.style.display = 'none';
  23. </script>

Menu Buttons
Other content

Re: Floating side menu. (28th Apr 09 at 2:01am UTC)
i'll see if i can find it but wrighty already made me something very similar in the past

Edit: Ok man, have a look at this, it should help you out. Yes its for a two sided setup, and it doesnt have all the features in place, but it is the setup for a scrolling table system at the least, so edit it so it only adds to one side and do what you need to from there {Tongue Out}

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Re: Floating side menu. (29th Apr 09 at 8:18pm UTC)
Thanks, will check it out. {Smile}
Re: Floating side menu. (30th Apr 09 at 1:57am UTC)
it looks like it worked for you {Smile}
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Re: Floating side menu. (30th Apr 09 at 3:40am UTC)
Apparantly I can't combine both codes together the table goes over the menu buttons.
Re: Floating side menu. (30th Apr 09 at 4:18am UTC)
thats why you rewrite it, its very easy... all you have to do ius remove it from its current table and place it in the one for the side menus. The float function wont be a problem considering they both use the exact same float function so it should work together well, its just someting you'll have to play around with.

Edit: LOL your lucky i remembered my username and pass {Tongue Out} i told you it just needed to be modified a bit. have a look at the forum, i got it done, well some what lol its been added into the right table, at the top, see for yourself and see how i did it and if you still have problems setting up the left side providing you wnat the menu on the left, well then you have problems {Tongue Out}

Edit 2: ok i lied look at your forum *roles eyes*
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Re: Floating side menu. (30th Apr 09 at 8:31am UTC)
Thanks Dwight! {Grin}

I was only checking out the right menu to see if I would like 2 sides or not, and I don't {Tongue Out} I can probably add it in later on if needed.
Re: Floating side menu. (30th Apr 09 at 5:12pm UTC)
well i hope that takes care of your request {Smile}
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Re: Floating side menu. (1st May 09 at 12:33am UTC)
It did. {Smile}
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