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Template Alteration? (6th Jan 09 at 6:45am UTC)
I love the layout of: http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/board/database/topic/18892/action/view_topic/vbulletin-board-mod (one posted by dwight) except for the new posts / no new posts. Then after I modified it to remove the 'new posts' column worked like a charm (removed a part from the script and a part from the template).

Now I am wondering if it is possible to replace the added 'Board Name' to become the name of the category?

Re: Template Alteration? (23rd Jan 09 at 9:55am UTC)
umm I might be able to help, but I need to know exactly what you wnat, like do you still wnat it to say Topics/Posts? or just want the board name being removed and replaced with the category name?

I'm asking because I can just have you remove the part of the code that goes in your global footer and the part of the template that say the Board Name and Topics/Posts and just have the category about that, but if you want the where it says Board name to be the Category's name and keep everything else then it shouldn't be to hard, just have to change a few things.

Make sense? Over all it shouldn't be hard, but taht it still yet to be seen
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