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(Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (15th Nov 08 at 8:20am UTC)
Before I say anything, WHAT I WANT CAN'T BE DONE THROUGH THE TEMPLATE SYSTEM! Just because I know it would be suggested {Tongue Out}

Basically I want the profile and only the profile page to look something like this:


without the comment of course {Wink} and switching it with the signature area

But I don't wnat it to effect the standard mini-profile, tahts why I say it can't be done through the mini-profile template {Tongue Out}


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Also if you need a mock image of how I want it formatted, please let me know.

Edit: and it doesn't have to be perfect, i probably will be able to fix any errors myself {Smile} Also the toggle effect on the side fields would be nice as well please.


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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 8:51am UTC)
just use javascript then {Tongue Out} ?


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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 8:56am UTC)
well I know that, but my problem is that I am still learning JS, I can edit better then I can code


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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 1:39pm UTC)
profile page is easy, each field has an id

<td id="posts"><font size="2">Posts: 282 </font></td>

you can then take the data using the ID's

the work is just making the HTML, using HTML {Tongue Out}


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Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

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Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 1:48pm UTC)
I still dont have much of an idea of how to go about it. {Tongue Out} when I mean still learning I mean learning *Visual learner* So if I don't see how its done one time around I would have no clue on how to go about it.as for the html, that is easy, well find of. The problem i see is that I would have to redefine the whole profile page, and yet not edit the mini-profile and then you are here talking about using class's and ID's, but where would that be called from for the side fields. The only thing I can think of is using innerhtml and defining the whole area that way, put i wouldnt know how to call the data {Tongue Out}


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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 3:14pm UTC)
try this,


<div id='vf_post'></div>


var post_data = get('posts', ID).firstChild;
get('vf_post', ID).appendChild(post_data);

something like that i fgt how vfworks XD ANYWAYSgive it a try and you should see the value for posts in the div.


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Or has stolen away my life

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So now I come for you....

Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 3:47pm UTC)
ok now using that and repeating it would work to call the required data, but how about going about reformatting the whole profile page, the foprmatting is my main problem, I can add in the data and satuff on my own but I have no clue how to format the page, if i know how to do that I coukd of winged it and wouldnt fo had to request anything
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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 3:56pm UTC)
Well I'm not positive but I think you can either work with the table already on the profile page by changing the attributes of the cells and adding rows and cells or you might be able to hide that entire table and just add your own with the info you want. I would like to work on this to so I will as soon as I finish butchering this deer. {Grin} But I`m in the same shoes you are I`m still learning. {Cool}

Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 4:01pm UTC)
i was thinkning yes hiding the tables would be a good idea, but without js you would end up editing other tables on the forum as well. or I would think. And then how exactly would you go about having the html files be directed towards the profile page? I cant think of how. Becuase to tell you the truth I could easily make a the layout in html, but i wouldnt know how to embed it into the profile page....
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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 7:00pm UTC)
you would use a if(location.href.match()) with some nifty reg expression to make the code only happen on the view profile page.



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Re: (Ross/Marc) User Profile Format Mod (30th Nov 08 at 9:05pm UTC)
work on the HTML in the global headder till you like hat you get and then last step is replacing.


Now obsession rules my mind
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Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
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My end has come
So now I come for you....

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