Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | PM Center [Support] (23rd Oct 08 at 10:01am UTC) | | I wanna know if this:
Code: - <script type="text/javascript">
- Welcome, '+((vf_username=="guest") ? 'Guest.' : '<a href="/action/view_profile/user/'+vf_username+'/">'+vf_displayname+'</a>.');
- ((vf_username=="guest") ? 'Please <a href="/action/login/">login</a> or <a href="/action/register/">register</a>.' : 'Total PM\'s: <a href="/action/pm/">'+vf_total_pms+'</a> ('+vf_new_pms+' new)');
- //-->
- </script>
Is the correct way to do the PM center?
I am trying something new with vF forums, and Java script seems to be my weakest so far....
My latest project is here:
I am trying to re-create the welcome center, and change it. and JS is the only thing that is keeping me back. I am trying to put the PM center under the Menu buttons but in its own table. Is not working out so well
Thanks | |