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(Please MArc) Arcade Code Help (16th Oct 08 at 10:56pm UTC)
OK I have been given permission to convert this arcade code to a vforums style as long as I am the one to host it, and thats call ok and stuff, but I have come across a problem. I have been working on converting ti almost all day and I think I have it almost finished, but I can't seen to figure out why it won't work. Can someone please tell me why it wont work and show me how to fix it?

  1. if (typeof(quickCreateElement) == "undefined")
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  21. }
  22. }
  23. return temp;
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  26. var arcadeLink = quickCreateElement("a", "href=/action/arcade"),
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  33. menu.insertBefore(arcadeLink, menuItems[menuItems.length - offset]);
  34. menu.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), menuItems[menuItems.length - offset]);
  35. if (location.href.match("action/arcade"))
  36. {
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  38. {
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  40. for (var a = 0; a < arcadeGames.length; a++)
  41. {
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  43. var arcadeTr = document.createElement("tr");
  44. arcadeGame = quickCreateElement("td", "align=center, class=window2, width=20%");
  45. arcadeGame.innerHTML = "<a href=\"/action/arcade&game/" + arcadeGames[a][1] + "&title/" + encodeURIComponent(arcadeGames[a][0]) + "\"><img alt=\"" + arcadeGames[a][0] + "\" border=\"0\" src=\"http://flash.games.gamingmedley.com/img/" + arcadeGames[a][1] + "." + arcadeGames[a][2] + "\" /><\/a><br /><a href=\"/action/arcade&game/" + arcadeGames[a][1] + "\">" + arcadeGames[a][0] + "<\/a>";
  46. arcadeTr.appendChild(arcadeGame);
  47. if ((a % 5 == 4) || (a == arcadeGames.length - 1))
  48. {
  49. arcadeTr.lastChild.setAttribute("colSpan", String(5 - (a % 5)));
  50. gamesTBody.appendChild(arcadeTr);
  51. }
  52. }
  53. var selectPages = "";
  54. for (a = 1; a <= Math.ceil(totalGames / 20); a++)
  55. selectPages += "<option value=\"" + a + "\"" + ((a == arcadePage) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">Page " + a + "<\/option>";
  56. arcadeTr = document.createElement("tr");
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  58. gamesTBody.appendChild(arcadeTr);
  59. }
  60. document.title = document.title.replace(" - An Error Has Occurred", " - Arcade");
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  62. var t, tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
  63. for (t = 0; t < tables.length; t++)
  64. {
  65. if ((tables[t].innerHTML.match(" :: An Error Has Occurred")) && (!tables[t].getElementsByTagName("table")[3]))
  66. {
  67. tables[t].setAttribute("id", "arcade");
  68. tables[t + 2].setAttribute("id", "arcadeGames");
  69. var columns = tables[t].getElementsByTagName("td");
  70. columns[0].innerHTML = columns[0].innerHTML.replace(" :: An Error Has Occurred", " :: Arcade");
  71. columns[2].setAttribute("align", "center");
  72. columns[2].setAttribute("colSpan", "5");
  73. columns[4].innerHTML = "<div style=\"float : left; text-align : left; width : 50%;\"><font size=\"1\">Hosted by <a href=\"http://flash.games.gamingmedley.com\">Shining Ashes.com<\/a>.<\/font><\/div><div style=\"float : right; width : 49%;\">" + columns[4].innerHTML + "<\/div>";
  74. tables[t].getElementsByTagName("b")[0].innerHTML = arcadeTitle;
  75. tables[t].getElementsByTagName("table")[1].getElementsByTagName("tr")[1].style.display = "none";
  76. if (temp = location.href.match(/[\\/]game=([\w-]+)/))
  77. {
  78. var arcadeTr = document.createElement("tr");
  79. arcadeTr.appendChild(quickCreateElement("td", "align=center, class=window2, colSpan=5, innerHTML=<link href=\"http://flash.games.gamingmedley.com/css/" + temp[1] + ".css\" media=\"screen\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" /><embed menu=\"false\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" quality=\"high\" src=\"http://flash.games.gamingmedley.com/swf/" + temp[1] + ".swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"><\/embed>"));
  80. tables[t + 2].getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].appendChild(arcadeTr);
  81. arcadeTr = document.createElement("tr");
  82. arcadeTr.appendChild(quickCreateElement("td", "align=center, class=window1, colSpan=5, innerHTML=<a href=\"/action/arcade\">Back to the Arcade<\/a>"));
  83. tables[t + 2].getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].appendChild(arcadeTr);
  84. }
  85. else
  86. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(quickCreateElement("script", "id=arcadeIndex, src=http://flash.games.gamingmedley.com/index.js?page=" + arcadePage + ", type=text/javascript"));
  87. }
  88. }
  89. }
Re: Arcade Code Help (19th Oct 08 at 8:41am UTC)
Re: Arcade Code Help (24th Oct 08 at 9:07pm UTC)
Re: Arcade Code Help (12th Nov 08 at 9:18am UTC)
wow I just remembered this, I still need help
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Arcade Code Help (13th Nov 08 at 1:24am UTC)
I've only got a moment online right now so I can't fully look over it, but for starters you'll need to remove all the instances of "index.cgi" - vForums doesn't use the Common Gateway Interface, and also uses .htaccess modifications for cleaner URL's.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: Arcade Code Help (13th Nov 08 at 1:35am UTC)
all index.cgi's have been taken out and i dont know how to do .htaccess modifications yet.

~Code above updated~
Re: Arcade Code Help (18th Nov 08 at 1:54am UTC)
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Re: Arcade Code Help (24th Nov 08 at 12:31pm UTC)
I am not good with JS but I can state that the classes could be fixed. I don't believe vF uses something like: windowbg2
Re: Arcade Code Help (24th Nov 08 at 7:34pm UTC)
{Tongue Out} I thought I changed that, anyway changed and the code above is updated {Smile}
Re: Arcade Code Help (30th Nov 08 at 12:56pm UTC)
Re: Arcade Code Help (11th Dec 08 at 2:14pm UTC)
[.tR] ookie1
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Is it choccy?

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Re: (Please MArc) Arcade Code Help (12th Dec 08 at 10:18pm UTC)

That would be another Forum's CSS and not compatible with vF. {Smile}


Hallelujah! 'tis done; I believe on the Son; I am saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
Re: (Please MArc) Arcade Code Help (12th Dec 08 at 10:30pm UTC)
crap i didnt see taht at all until you just pointed it out, ok i'll fix it up soon.
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: (Please MArc) Arcade Code Help (13th Dec 08 at 12:07am UTC)
The external JS file is attempting to run a function called arcade() and as far as I can see, no such function exists in your code. You'll have to have a look at the original code, and possibly contact Charles to see how to fix it as you seem to be missing required portions of the code.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: (Please MArc) Arcade Code Help (13th Dec 08 at 3:00am UTC)
ok well i'm going to have to update the code then, because this is everything I got from him, but he has been doing a lot of work on the proboards version adding in a highscore system that he cant even get to work, so i would have a lot to remove and dont reallyt wnat to take the risk of removing something that was needed. But ok i'll get the code very good and convert what I can and post the code.
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