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Topic Preview & Key words in URLs (4th Dec 07 at 1:14pm UTC)
In order to help optimize all forums for inclusion in search engines we've added two new features this week along with the usual bug fixes.

The Topic Preview feature allows you to see the contents of a post before opening the topic. A small pop-up box will appear when hovering over the topic title containing up-to the first 100 characters of the last post in that topic.

The key words in URLs has no real effect on the use of your forum. All that this involves is the subject of a thread being added to the end of the URL. What this does is gives the search engines a few key words which should be associated with that URL/topic. Any existing links will still work as expected.

Both of these features will appear in the last post column, the info center, the thread listing and the user recent posts.

If anyone has any questions regarding this change then please just leave a reply below and I'll do my best to answer.
- Ross

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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (10th Dec 07 at 3:50am UTC)
For the topic preview, I think a cool thing to do would be rather than simply using the title attribute of the <a> tag, create a div right beside the mouse when you hover over that parses the smileys and links and such. {Smile}

That way, rather than the preview showing:

Hey guys! ;­D [u­rl=http://www.google.ca]Check thi...

It would show:

Hey guys! {Grin} Check this out! It's rea...

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:23am UTC)
In order to help optimize all forums for inclusion in search engines we've added two new features this week along with the usual bug fixes.

The Topic Preview feature allows you to see the contents of a post before opening the topic. A small pop-up box will appear when hovering over the topic title containing up-to the first 100 characters of the last post in that topic.

The key words in URLs has no real effect on the use of your forum. All that this involves is the subject of a thread being added to the end of the URL. What this does is gives the search engines a few key words which should be associated with that URL/topic. Any existing links will still work as expected.

Both of these features will appear in the last post column, the info center, the thread listing and the user recent posts.

If anyone has any questions regarding this change then please just leave a reply below and I'll do my best to answer.
- Ross
Al you did was put a alt on the link... (XHTML) They have the for the blind.


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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:26am UTC)
In order to help optimize all forums for inclusion in search engines we've added two new features this week along with the usual bug fixes.

The Topic Preview feature allows you to see the contents of a post before opening the topic. A small pop-up box will appear when hovering over the topic title containing up-to the first 100 characters of the last post in that topic.

The key words in URLs has no real effect on the use of your forum. All that this involves is the subject of a thread being added to the end of the URL. What this does is gives the search engines a few key words which should be associated with that URL/topic. Any existing links will still work as expected.

Both of these features will appear in the last post column, the info center, the thread listing and the user recent posts.

If anyone has any questions regarding this change then please just leave a reply below and I'll do my best to answer.
- Ross
Al you did was put a alt on the link... (XHTML) They have the for the blind.

You can't use an alt attribute for links; as I said in my other post, he used the title attribute of the a tag. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:31am UTC)
In order to help optimize all forums for inclusion in search engines we've added two new features this week along with the usual bug fixes.

The Topic Preview feature allows you to see the contents of a post before opening the topic. A small pop-up box will appear when hovering over the topic title containing up-to the first 100 characters of the last post in that topic.

The key words in URLs has no real effect on the use of your forum. All that this involves is the subject of a thread being added to the end of the URL. What this does is gives the search engines a few key words which should be associated with that URL/topic. Any existing links will still work as expected.

Both of these features will appear in the last post column, the info center, the thread listing and the user recent posts.

If anyone has any questions regarding this change then please just leave a reply below and I'll do my best to answer.
- Ross
Al you did was put a alt on the link... (XHTML) They have the for the blind.

You can't use an alt attribute for links; as I said in my other post, he used the title attribute of the a tag. {Wink}
Don't go all smart on me... I know what I'm talking about... {Rolleyes}


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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:31am UTC)
Sure you do. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:32am UTC)
Sure you do. {Tongue Out}
No funny... Nor was it smart.


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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 12:33am UTC)
Sure you do. {Tongue Out}
No funny... Nor was it smart.

No funny? o.O

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.


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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 9:59am UTC)
The title attribute is the most cross-browser solution and will work even for users with Javascript disabled. It would be difficult to get the same kind of compatibility via a hover event.

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I <3 Rossy

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Re: New Features: Topic Preview & Key words in U.. (11th Dec 07 at 6:14pm UTC)
The title attribute is the most cross-browser solution and will work even for users with Javascript disabled. It would be difficult to get the same kind of compatibility via a hover event.

That's understandable, thanks anyway. {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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