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Service Disruption - 4th May (5th May 13 at 12:06am UTC)
We would like to apologise for the service disruption that has been experienced recently.

After the RAID Array failed on our primary server last night, our data center engineers had been working on repairing & stabilising the server. Unfortunately, as they have been unable to repair the old server we are forced to migrate all services to a brand new server.

Or maybe that should be 'fortunately', since this new server has more resources & should provide an overall more stable experience for our users.

We're still working on a few elements which are not working quite right since we started transferring services. But expect to have these all sorted as soon as possible.

Update: 05/05/2013 02:43 GMT
All forums should be online as should all core services. We are aware of a few small elements which will be looked at tomorrow.
If your forum is not displaying as expected or if anything else seems not quite right, please let us know so we can investigate further.

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Re: Service Disruption - 4th May (5th May 13 at 10:37am UTC)
Have just seen thsi announcement. Thanks.
We are still unable to connect to our forum. Have just tried again and I am just getting "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" still. The only difference from yesterday is that this shows immediately, rather than trying to connect for a few minutes before displaying the same message yesterday. Another member can get in but says there are some posts missing. {Unsure}


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Re: Service Disruption - 4th May (5th May 13 at 11:46am UTC)

Can you send me the forum url? I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere. Unfortunately when the old server finally failed yesterday it was half way through running the backups for that day, so we had to restore some forums from the backups that were taken on Friday morning instead.

If you're still having trouble loading the forum, it may be cached DNS settings on your machine. You can try either:
- Hard refreshing the forum. So go to the "page cannot be displayed" and press "Ctrl" + "F5" on your keyboard at the same time
- Flushing your DNS cache. To do this, open up command prompt (Start -> Run -> Type "cmd") and run the command: ipconfig /flushdns

- Ross

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