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Superb (31st Dec 07 at 4:40am UTC)
vForums is extremely easy to customize and comes with a load of forums mods you can do. Very quick on fixing bugs and having updates.

They are unique... I mean different ad positions? No other forums will allow that, like on the sides.

vForums is on a good start. Can't wait to see how it is later. {Grin}

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Re: Superb (31st Dec 07 at 6:48pm UTC)
Ill beat Ross up if he screws this XD
Its freaking awesome {Tongue Out}


Now obsession rules my mind
This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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Re: Superb (31st Dec 07 at 7:26pm UTC)
Ill beat Ross up if he screws this XD
Its freaking awesome {Tongue Out}

I get to film the fight! {Grin}

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Re: Superb (31st Dec 07 at 11:18pm UTC)
Ill beat Ross up if he screws this XD
Its freaking awesome {Tongue Out}

I get to film the fight! {Grin}

Fiiine. You get one angle, I'll get the other. I could use the money that I should get by selling the video. ^^


Cr0w [www.cr0wonline.com] says:
But if you have an id of "pen", and you have "penis" in a code name, it'll mess it up.
Cr0w [www.cr0wonline.com] says:
Damn those penises messing things up.
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Re: Superb (31st Dec 07 at 11:52pm UTC)
Fine, i'll have 15% of all the sales then {Cool}

*stops the thread going off topic once more*
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