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vForums Support :: System Improvements :: Testimonials :: Thanks Ross - View Topic
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Thanks Ross (24th Feb 08 at 11:13am UTC)
Now i have a better reason to love this forum system and thanks Ross for putting it together. I have hjad a problem with a member for a while now and a little bit a ago i got tired of her being rude to all the members on one of my forums and me most of all so i told her its time for her to leave, and before i got all her account info to ban her in every way she went though and deleted every one of the thread (I made the mistake of leaving her as a global mod after i told her to leave), and thanks to the recycle bin i was able to restore all the threads that she had deleted...so thanks for creating this great system Ross, it really saved my forum this time {Smile}

Edit: Sorry it was late and i was jacked up on sugar...
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Re: Thanks Ross (24th Feb 08 at 11:40pm UTC)
Thats system is good, I like it allot ^_^
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