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Post average per month? (18th Jan 11 at 2:12am UTC)
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I'm not sure if this is the correct board. Move if needed. But is there anyway I can find out a members posting average (by Posts, not percentage) for each month? This would make it easier for me, when I get more members. As my host is a Post to Host, so I'd need to figure out the posts for each member. {Tongue Out}

Thanks. {Smile}


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Re: Post average per month? (18th Jan 11 at 9:32am UTC)
You want to know the number of posts a particular member has made in a particular month? Or their average posts per month since joining {Confused}

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Re: Post average per month? (18th Jan 11 at 2:45pm UTC)
Sorry if I didn't clarify that. Each month. Like for 1 package they need 20 posts per month, well their post count is counted since joining. So if it's been 3 months and they only posted 20 times each of that month, it'd be 60 posts, but like if they post more than 20 posts each month, that would mess up that, and I would have to count each post from that member for 1 month each. So like this:

January: 30 posts
February: 25
March: 53
April: 21

That would be a total of 129 Posts, but if there was a way of setting it up like how it is above, it would make it a little easier so I didn't have to calculate out how many times they posted per month.
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