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vF mobile (16th Jan 10 at 5:27am UTC)
There is a great need for a mobile version, alot of people browse the web on cellphones and on other mobile devices like a PSP

Either same url for mobile, just check if the person is browsing from mobile or not OR a mobile url

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Re: vF mobile (16th Jan 10 at 8:38pm UTC)
A mobile browser version is something that I also think would be a good idea, but the implementation may not keep everyone happy. Having a template option for it could cause people to abuse it by adding large images & such anyway, so personally I think it would be best if it were one standard layout for all mobile versions, perhaps allowing a small banner image at the top of the page.

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Re: vF mobile (16th Jan 10 at 11:26pm UTC)
I agree with that, speed is priority for mobile.

The main thing for me would be codes, alot don't work in mobile or just won't work right

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Re: vF mobile (16th Jan 10 at 11:32pm UTC)
I agree with that, speed is priority for mobile.

The main thing for me would be codes, alot don't work in mobile or just won't work right

Which is why I think what Marc said would be best, a standardised site layout for mobiles. {Smile}
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Re: vF mobile (18th Jan 10 at 1:23am UTC)
There is no reason for codes in a mobile version. As most codes do not work. which is why sites like MySpace doesn't show the real profile of a friend or yours as the codes will not work correctly on most mobile devices.

Some mobile devices do not support JavaScript, or other Major languages.


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Re: vF mobile (18th Jan 10 at 9:51am UTC)
There is no reason for codes in a mobile version. As most codes do not work. which is why sites like MySpace doesn't show the real profile of a friend or yours as the codes will not work correctly on most mobile devices.

Some mobile devices do not support JavaScript, or other Major languages.

For that reason, if anything along these lines was done there would have to be very little control for forum admins over how it looks / behaves - the main customization would have to be with the colours, most other stuff would be set globally with maybe some access for small layout modifications {Unsure}

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Re: vF mobile (18th Jan 10 at 3:18pm UTC)
I agree completely

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Re: vF mobile (4th Feb 10 at 12:24am UTC)
So would vF Mobile be made any time soon and how would it be displayed?

Url? Browser detection?

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Re: vF mobile (6th Feb 10 at 12:55am UTC)
It'll happen in time. As soon as it does, we'll let you know {Smile}
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