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This topic was locked 15th Mar 08 at 11:11pm by Michael
Another Sub-Board Option (18th Feb 08 at 6:18am UTC)
Ok i'm suggesting this because it will fix something that is annoying and ugly. OK can you please add another option to the Create Board area. It will give people the option if they want there sub-boards sub-boards to how up on the main page or just on the board that they are created in or not at all.


if you look at the bottom at the Phoenix Emerald board you can see why i'm suggesting this or more like asking you to add it as an option.

Again just to make it more direct please add an option asking where you want the sub-boards to show up, on the sub-boards list in the main board or just in the board that they are posted in, or not at all.

Edit: Also please make sure that this option is an override of the options set to the board that is in, so that it dont end up showing its sub-boards because the board above it said it could when the board itself says not it cant.


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Re: Another Sub-Board Option (18th Feb 08 at 11:55pm UTC)
I suppose it should always use the preference of the parent board. So if that board is not set to list its sub-boards then they shouldn't be listed in the parents parent board if that makes sense.

Edit: Does that look better now?

Re: Another Sub-Board Option (19th Feb 08 at 12:53am UTC)
yes that looks much better, now it don't look so tacky. But can you get it where the sub-boards of sub-boards will show up in the sub-boards, but not on the main page?
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