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Vanquish Studios (5th Apr 10 at 5:08am UTC)
Link: www.vanqstudios.vforums.co.uk

The forum is neither complete nor open, however I would like to get opinions on both the design and if there are any bugs in the skin due to the fluid width.

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Re: Vanquish Studios (28th Apr 10 at 9:42pm UTC)
Skin looks nice shape-wise, but the colors are all too strong. It needs some darks in order to balance the skin. I feel kind of like what it feels like when you close your eyes and look towards the sun. It's like a dull burning because there's too much color.

Perhaps even darkening the background would be enough. I personally also think that there isn't enough whitespace on the sides of the page. Try cutting the width down by 10-20% and it'll look less distorted.

All around good design feel though, just needs better coloring and some narrowing.


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