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Will code JavaScript for food.

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Hello vForums (28th Jan 08 at 5:38am UTC)
Hello I'm GlitchesSocom and I'm new to vForums {Cool} I am the owner of GlitchesSocom a site to help you cheat on the popular hit series video game Socom. I am here to help with coding, graphics, and give administration advice. I may be new to vForums but I have about 5 years experience with proboards, and consider myself to be a decent coder (PHP, X/HTML, Javascript, CSS) I also study MIPS assembly language and can answer any question you may have if you would like to learn. I have another purpose of registering on this site and that is I will be transfering my Proboards forum along with my members, codes, etc. here on vForums. I find the layout and extra functions alot better. Congrats to Ross for creating such an exemplar site.



Recoding the future

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Re: Hello vForums (28th Jan 08 at 7:47am UTC)
Welcome! {Smile}

Btw, you can't use quotes (single or double) in the [url] tag! {Smile}
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Re: Hello vForums (28th Jan 08 at 9:25am UTC)
Welcome to vForums {Smile}
Junior Member

Will code JavaScript for food.

Posts: 67
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Age: 34
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Re: Hello vForums (28th Jan 08 at 11:40am UTC)
Thank You and thanks for correcting that Wrighty. {Grin}

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