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[F] Affiliate (5th Apr 08 at 2:41pm UTC)
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Background Image: Image

Font: Andalus
Size: 14
Text: Deluxe Anime Forum
Scroll: Left to Right

Description: Ok what i want is not exactly simple or so i'd think not. I'm sorry i'm not good at explaining this so i'll do my best. Basically i want a a bunch of anime character picture to flash and then it stops on the last image to flash an the wanted text scrolls from the left side to the right side. if you have any questions and what no please ask and as for the any characters any will do.

Posts: 760
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Gender: Male
Location: India

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Design Team

Reputation: 31%  

Re: Affiliate (5th Apr 08 at 7:36pm UTC)
You need to read the requesting rules.

From your info, I'd need links to the font and images.
Re: Affiliate (5th Apr 08 at 8:04pm UTC)
...the font is basic i have seen it on a lot of program, either way is it possible to get the font off my pc and upload it say for examp[le if its on an image program? and as for the image thing it is that i'm not using the image so i dont know what will work so that why i always have the perpon that is doing it get the images, because only they know what images will work, but fine ill do my best and its not my fault if the images wont work.
Re: Affiliate (5th Apr 08 at 11:21pm UTC)
If i write D.A.F on it is that ok?
Re: Affiliate (6th Apr 08 at 1:21am UTC)
i would really really like to have to scroll, i want to make it look as best as possible. this is the only image thing that i have ever been picky about and if you have to use any font at all as long as its a fine tone font.

Edit: ok here is my attemp at the images!

for the stack effect that i want here is the order i want them in



(if and only if you can turn his direction to left)



and i only want the character image from the pics and id really like for them to zoom in from the opposite side say if the image is set to on the left like i said i'd like for it to come in on the right and then set in place on the left and vise versa, sorry if this is very hard and complex its just that an affiliate does make a major impact on a person when seen and this is my first attempt to go all the way and make a full on pro anime chat site instead of a role play like i normally do.

Posts: 760
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Gender: Male
Location: India

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Reputation: 31%  

Re: Affiliate (6th Apr 08 at 10:48am UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 5th Apr 08 at 8:04pm
...the font is basic i have seen it on a lot of program, either way is it possible to get the font off my pc and upload it say for examp[le if its on an image program? and as for the image thing it is that i'm not using the image so i dont know what will work so that why i always have the perpon that is doing it get the images, because only they know what images will work, but fine ill do my best and its not my fault if the images wont work.

Requests usually require the requester to put together everything forthe designer to work on. Expecting the designer to hunt images for you (that you may/may not like) is silly imo.

I shall work on both your requests tomo (I dont have time today).
Re: Affiliate (9th Apr 08 at 12:50am UTC)
ok i'll be waiting

Posts: 760
Status: Offline
Gender: Male
Location: India

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Design Team

Reputation: 31%  

Re: Affiliate (9th Apr 08 at 6:26pm UTC)
a search for the andalus font turned up an Urdu/Persian-like script {Tongue Out}

And I'm not sure what you mean by "fine tone font" - I've used a pixel font.

Here it is:

Re: [F] Affiliate (9th Apr 08 at 6:43pm UTC)
its awesome ty
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