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How long (15th Feb 08 at 9:46am UTC)
has vforums been around? I run a Spanish holiday destination forum and have tried different hosts over the last 5 years but this one seems as though it has everything we need as administrators, and will make our lives so much easier. And it's UK based. {Shocked}
Now I have to try to get my 100 plus members to agree and make the move from our Hyperboards setup, which in reality is a pain for admins. Just wish there was a way to move all our information over without having to copy/paste. {Sad}
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Re: How long (15th Feb 08 at 10:16am UTC)
vForums has been in development since...2006 i believe, but signups were only allowed since Nov/Dec of last year. {Smile} I might be wrong, so i'll await Ross to come along and pwn me {Tongue Out}

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Re: How long (15th Feb 08 at 10:49am UTC)
vForums has been in development since...2006 i believe, but signups were only allowed since Nov/Dec of last year. {Smile} I might be wrong, so i'll await Ross to come along and pwn me {Tongue Out}

I remember him saying something like that! {Smile}
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Re: How long (15th Feb 08 at 9:05pm UTC)
The testimonials board is for, well, testimonials, so I've gone ahead and moved this to General. {Wink}

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