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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:53am by ashkir
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Origin of the iPhone (11th Jan 08 at 8:39pm UTC)
It was a late morning in the fall of 2006. Almost a year earlier, Steve Jobs had tasked about 200 of Apple's top engineers with creating the iPhone. Yet here, in Apple's boardroom, it was clear that the prototype was still a disaster. It wasn't just buggy, it flat-out didn't work. The phone dropped calls constantly, the battery stopped charging before it was full, data and applications routinely became corrupted and unusable. The list of problems seemed endless. At the end of the demo, Jobs fixed the dozen or so people in the room with a level stare and said, "We don't have a product yet."

The effect was even more terrifying than one of Jobs' trademark tantrums. When the Apple chief screamed at his staff, it was scary but familiar. This time, his relative calm was unnerving. "It was one of the few times at Apple when I got a chill," says someone who was in the meeting.

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (11th Jan 08 at 9:03pm UTC)
IPhone's Suck, IMO, I say the Razr 2 is way better, IMO.
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (11th Jan 08 at 9:09pm UTC)
Both the iPhone and Razr series are overrated. Explosives are way better, IMO.
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (11th Jan 08 at 9:32pm UTC)
iPhone is okay
it'll be better soon enough {Tongue Out}
good article though

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 5:48pm UTC)
I would love to get an iPhone. Smiley

Just because I'm a tech geek. xD

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 5:54pm UTC)
I have a iPod touch. {Tongue Out} Would like a iPhone as well. XD

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 8:08pm UTC)
I just posted it cause I thought it was interesting really {Tongue Out}

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 8:12pm UTC)
I'd be tempted to get one, but as they are only on O2 over in the UK, i won't be getting it.
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 8:38pm UTC)
I'd be tempted to get one, but as they are only on O2 over in the UK, i won't be getting it.

just unlock it {Rolleyes}

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (13th Jan 08 at 10:00pm UTC)
My dad offered me one if I read the manual and teach him ten things he doesn't know about the iPhone. He'd pay the bill and all. I declined, but I did read the manual. =P

Imma gonna wait. See the next release of Apple, and if it's on another provider. Apple entered the cell phone world. Knowing them with past products its something like:

New product
Price drop
Popularity rise

2 - 3 years later
New product
Old product out of date.
Cheaper then last one
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (14th Jan 08 at 12:10am UTC)
Let's see how long it is before gPhone-bashing commercials come out. >.<

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (14th Jan 08 at 12:15am UTC)
Let's see how long it is before gPhone-bashing commercials come out. >.<

Apple wouldn't do that.

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (14th Jan 08 at 12:17am UTC)
Let's see how long it is before gPhone-bashing commercials come out. >.<

Apple wouldn't do that.

No, not at all...

*Finds a few hundred commercials bashing PC's on Youtube*

If Apple knows they've got competition, and are losing; they revert to cheap-shot, degrading tricks.

At least Microsoft can admit that it's full of jerks; Apple can't stop playing the innocent company that got screwed over. {Unsure}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Origin of the iPhone (14th Jan 08 at 12:18am UTC)
Let's see how long it is before gPhone-bashing commercials come out. >.<

Apple wouldn't do that.

No, not at all...

*Finds a few hundred commercials bashing PC's on Youtube*

If Apple knows they've got competition, and are losing; they revert to cheap-shot, degrading tricks.

They won't attack a free phone, {Tongue Out} Plus, they never attack companies directly. That is like, slander.

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Re: Origin of the iPhone (14th Jan 08 at 12:18am UTC)

Apple wouldn't do that.

No, not at all...

*Finds a few hundred commercials bashing PC's on Youtube*

If Apple knows they've got competition, and are losing; they revert to cheap-shot, degrading tricks.

They won't attack a free phone, {Tongue Out} Plus, they never attack companies directly. That is like, slander.

Read my edit. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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