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Happy New Year! (31st Dec 10 at 3:11pm UTC)
So, as the clock ticks down to another new year, the time has come for the traditional 2010 reflection post. {Grin}

What all has changed in your lives this past year? Are you looking forward to the new year? What are your plans for New Year's Eve? What are your goals for the new year?

As per my usual excuse, I'll post my response when I've finished my morning coffee. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Happy New Year! (31st Dec 10 at 5:13pm UTC)
I'm not quite sure, but the best beginning is going to be tomorrow when I get to see my girl! {Grin} I'm so excited to see her! I don't really do New Years resolutions, never worked out the way I wanted it to be. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Happy New Year! (31st Dec 10 at 6:18pm UTC)
Alright, despite still being deathly tired, I shall contribute a response to my own post. {Tongue Out}

What has changed this past year?
Well, quite a bit has changed for me this past year, but one of the biggest would probably be going from being a Manager of an ice cream store to being CTO/CIO of a chain of online retail stores.

Looking forward to the new year?
Well, you can't really look backward to the new year, now can you? {Tongue Out} (I'm so funny, aren't I? {Wink} ) Haha, but in all seriousness I think 2011 should be pretty awesome; can't wait to see how it all plays out.

Plans for New Year's Eve?
Nothing overly fancy; just a dozen friends or so hanging out, playing pool, darts, video games, ping pong, watching TV, and so on and so forth. Should be fun. {Grin}

Any goals for the new year?
Now here's where it gets interesting. My new year's resolution is to not die. However, upon checking statistical data, I found out that 92% of new year's resolutions aren't met. Logically, this means I only have an 8% chance of surviving 2011. Well, we'll see how it goes. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Happy New Year! (1st Jan 11 at 8:41pm UTC)
Whooooo twenty-eleven!
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Re: Happy New Year! (2nd Jan 11 at 1:33am UTC)
Happy new year everyone!

I've got no real resolutions this year, but it's going to be a big one - buying a house with my girlfriend is a huge step, and continuing to do my job to a good standard to ensure that we are the best all-round agency in the south.

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Re: Happy New Year! (2nd Jan 11 at 7:44am UTC)
For me 2011 is going to be quite a big year - looking at a placement for when I finish 2nd year at uni. I have finally found someone I think I like and am meeting him tomorrow/today. I'm going to be spending the year working on the clients that I have, getting more, and generally trying to enjoy myself after a less than brilliant 2010! {Tongue Out}
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Re: Happy New Year! (24th Jan 11 at 4:38am UTC)
1 more year to go till the big day. {Tongue Out}

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