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ZOMG IT IS AN ALIEN! (28th Mar 09 at 8:34am UTC)
So I'm working my way through Earth: Final Conflict (yay local rental stores!) and I have a question for you all.

If aliens with far greater technology came to Earth what would your reaction be?

If they offered to share their technology, your reaction?

If they demand the surrender of the human race, your reaction?
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Re: ZOMG IT IS AN ALIEN! (28th Mar 09 at 7:07pm UTC)
1. I think that if they came to earth with better technology, they will either help us or kill us. {Tongue Out}

2. If they shared the techonology then we would be in chaos. Imagine if everyone had nuclear power. Who would stop them from using it to blow up everyone who they don't like. We would end up whiping each other out.

3. If they wanted to surrender I don't think we should. If we gave up that easy how could US ever become independant? We shouldn't go down without a fight.
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Re: ZOMG IT IS AN ALIEN! (31st Mar 09 at 9:35pm UTC)
If aliens with far greater technology came to Earth what would your reaction be?

I think my first thought would be "insert explitive of choice" we are so in trouble.

If they offered to share their technology, your reaction?

I would be leary and Wonder what they were up to, were they setting us up for some game, trying to build us up so they felt better about wiping us out. Are they truly the helping sort, attitude would be alot to and the kind of technology there were offering to assist with.

If they demand the surrender of the human race, your reaction?

Dig up the weapons cache hidden in the mountains, well if I actually had one. But you get the point.
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Re: ZOMG IT IS AN ALIEN! (3rd Apr 09 at 2:59pm UTC)
I would be very excited at first because I always wanted us to come into first contact with aliens! ^_^ If they offered to share their technology again I would be very excited. But if they demanded us to surrender I would be very scared and worry...

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