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Drink much? (14th Mar 09 at 8:01pm UTC)
How often do you go out to drink? and what all do you like to drink??
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Re: Drink much? (14th Mar 09 at 8:42pm UTC)
Well I don't drink Alcohol. never have, never will. plus I am only 18 and here in the states you have to be 21. {Tongue Out}

But I like to drink Coca cola Cherry or Pepsi Wild cherry, or G2 Cherry, or well anything to deal with cherry flavored drinks really {Tongue Out}
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Re: Drink much? (14th Mar 09 at 9:15pm UTC)
Not old enough to drink alcohol but I obviously do drink other stuff like water. Because if I don't then I get dehydrated. =P
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Re: Drink much? (14th Mar 09 at 11:17pm UTC)
It depends on the occasion. As i drive there are quite a few times i'm the designated driver so i don't as much as i do...though the ages of 16-19 was a bit of a blur {Unsure}

If i'm having dinner with my girlfriend then i'll have a glass or two of wine, and perhaps the same if i get home from a particularly stressful day at work.

During the day, i drink a lot of orange juice, water and occasionally coca-cola. Can't wait til the summer to have a nice cold, thirst quenching drink {Grin}
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Re: Drink much? (15th Mar 09 at 8:49pm UTC)
I use to be a Crowna and Pepsi guy, than Vodka and Pepsi, but I think that I have really became a vodka and red bull fiend. But i drink maybe a couple times a month if that. Kids do that.
Re: Drink much? (16th Mar 09 at 1:26am UTC)
Even though I'm old enough to drink, I haven't and never will.
Re: Drink much? (20th Mar 09 at 11:19pm UTC)
I can't drink Alcohol.

Too young.


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Re: Drink much? (21st Mar 09 at 1:20am UTC)
My friends managed to get me to join them in drinking a little bit. Though honestly, I still don't really see what's so appealing about alcoholic beverages {Tongue Out}

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Re: Drink much? (3rd Apr 09 at 3:08pm UTC)
I won't be able to legally drink alcohol until next year and even then I have no desire to try any. I'll stick to orange juice, water and soda.

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