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Beautiful music (26th Aug 08 at 9:41am UTC)
We seem to have a lack of music threads here {Sad}

Is there a song that you think is absolutely beautiful? It can be the melody, the lyrics, anything...i think everyone has that song that touches them in a certain way and makes them think "wow".

The current one that does that for me is Eva by Nightwish:

Tis not like Nightwish's previous material. I believe this was the first song released with their new singer Anette, before their Dark Passion Play album. It's an adorable piano led ballad and is sublime.
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Re: Beautiful music (27th Aug 08 at 6:22am UTC)
Anette is a brilliant singer, I have to agree with Nightwish being a really good band for things like that.

However, I have to say that the song 'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls is absolutely amazing. Some of Linkin Park's stuff has some really good messages behind it too Smiley to LP {Tongue Out}

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Re: Beautiful music (27th Aug 08 at 2:01pm UTC)
This is not my favourite song, or even my genre of music; but Armin van Buuren's "Going Wrong" just has an amazing way of combining the music with the lyrics, and it somehow creates both an effect that makes you think, but at the same time makes you want to get up an dance. {Tongue Out}

Personally I feel the music video ruins the feel of the song, so try listening without looking at the video. {Wink}

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Re: Beautiful music (27th Aug 08 at 4:36pm UTC)
Most beautiful song I've ever heard. xD


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Re: Beautiful music (27th Aug 08 at 6:42pm UTC)

Always makes me cry. That could just be because of the video, though...

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