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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:47am by ashkir


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New API (27th Aug 09 at 12:05pm UTC)
We have released a new version of the API to include much more functionality and (what we hope) an easier to use structure. Full details are viewable here:


The new version includes plenty of notes on usage within the file where each "module" of the API is now a PHP function. All the old code should still work though.

We appreciate any feedback you may have on this.

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Re: New API (28th Aug 09 at 8:36am UTC)

Re: New API (29th Aug 09 at 12:21am UTC)
{Tongue Out} give me about 3 hours and i'll point out any bugs that i notice {Tongue Out}

Edit: A Few things people should be aware of, anything using the old function check system like "api/info/stats/1" or "api/recent/board/events/max/5/mode/topics" will no lon ger work after the new source is in place, or at least mine doesn't. This means the thread calling or calling forum data will all have to be recoded from what i can tell, but I may be wrong.

Edit: Ross even following yours notes I'm still not sure how to get it all to work... I can't figure out how to call recent threads, and i noticed that you go it so it checks to see if the treads are locked, think you might be able to add something that allows the calling of stick threads only please {Smile}


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Re: New API (29th Aug 09 at 6:01pm UTC)
Yes, it probably is important to point out that if you just replaced your vforums_api.php file with the new one then the old request calls will no longer work. They'd need updating to the new style.

Dwight, what is it you want to do with recent posts? The basic request for that would look like:

$news_articles = $vforums_api -> get_recent(Array(
"board" => "news",
"mode" => "topics",
"show_locked" => "0",
"allow_all" => "1"


Re: New API (29th Aug 09 at 6:07pm UTC)
well mainly i'd like to use it was a news feed, in a public boards, so that despite if a user names a thread or makes a new post the news threads will remain in one place because they are stickied, if that makes sense.

Also I figures out how to work the array from your comments and the example code, just wasn't sure if the functions are called the same, I also forgot to print the array to even see what the functions are, i think i might do that and i bet i'd then have it figured out {Tongue Out}
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