vForums Support > vForums :: Support :: > validation key

validation key - Posted By Melanie Cornelious (Melanie Cornelious) on 16th May 12 at 4:40am
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Re: validation key - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 22nd May 12 at 4:03pm
You may want to resend a new key and try again. {Smile}

Re: validation key - Posted By kim (Kim) on 11th Jul 12 at 9:32am
I am having same problem have tried resending validation key at least 4 times still keep getting error MSG {Confused} ?

Re: validation key - Posted By Ross (admin) on 11th Jul 12 at 10:02pm
I am having same problem have tried resending validation key at least 4 times still keep getting error MSG {Confused} ?


Can you give me some details on this. Such as the forum this is on and the username you have used to register there.


Re: validation key - Posted By nama28 (nama28) on 30th Jun 13 at 6:24am
please can someone assist me all the validation keys sent to me do not work??

Re: validation key - Posted By Ross (admin) on 5th Jul 13 at 8:15pm

Can you confirm for me which forum this is on and which user account.


Re: validation key - Posted By Tiffin (peterparkes) on 16th Jul 13 at 2:59pm
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Hi Ross Sorry to jump in here - we find it difficult to contact VForum support (site not user friendly)

We are also not getting any validation key emails on our forum (http://bridgwaterhog.vforums.co.uk/) and it has locked me out as administrator despite everything correct on my profile{Confused}

Incorrect emails are also appearing against members{Confused}

Can you help us please - we can not get new members onto the Forum and I am having to use another members profile to administer the site.

My contact details are:

Name - Peter Parkes (I am the Forum Administrator)

Email - tiffin.1@hotmail.co.uk

Hoping to hear from you,

Kind regards


Re: validation key - Posted By Tiffin (peterparkes) on 19th Jul 13 at 11:23am
Hi Ross,

Have not heard anything - do not know if message picked up.

Is there a waiting period to get an answer as we are struggling with members wanting to log on and cant?

Kind regards, Peter

Re: validation key - Posted By Ross (admin) on 19th Jul 13 at 9:24pm

Sorry, my main computer has been out of action for the last week so have fallen a little behind.

I'll make sure this is checked out as a priority.

- Ross

Re: validation key - Posted By Ross (admin) on 20th Jul 13 at 1:25am

I have run some checks but it looks like validation keys are being sent out as expected. I have just triggered a new key to be sent to your e-mail for your account. Please ensure you check the junk/spam folder.
Unfortunately I know that hotmail has (in the past) rejected e-mails of this sort. If it does not come through, then is there another e-mail address you could try using? (You can change your e-mail address after attempting to log in by going to: http://bridgwaterhog.vforums.co.uk/action/validate)

- Ross

Re: validation key - Posted By Tiffin (peterparkes) on 20th Jul 13 at 4:06pm
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Thanks for replies Ross - I know how frustrating it can be when a PC goes down.

Validation key emails were not reaching anyone with a hotmail address including me as of 16.15hrs today - new members just not being able to complete their registration after being enabled by committee member.

I have just changed my email address to my office address and "Eureka", validation key came through straight away and I am now back on as administrator in my own profile - thanks.

I am contacting any new member with a hotmail address to try an alternative email address so hopefully on the road to solving the issue.

Appreciate your support mate.

Kind regards, Peter