vForums Support > System Improvements :: Suggestions :: > Headers / Footers positioning

Headers / Footers positioning - Posted By ashkir (ashkir) on 2nd Aug 11 at 4:22am
I like the way we can reorder headers / footers. But, I'd like more options then just these:

- Global Headers
- Main Headers
- Main Footers
- Global Footers

Instead of just rearranging them like that I'd like these options to be added:

- Welcome Table
- Forum Body
- Bottom Information

So I could reorder things to be something like:

- Global Headers
- Main Headers
- Welcome Table
- Forum Body
- Bottom Information
- Main Footers
- Global Footers

The current way everything is organized is all the headers are below the welcome table. I'd like to be able to move my headers to be above it, and below the bottom information

Re: Headers / Footers positioning - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 9th Aug 11 at 9:04pm
I could be wrong, but I think you're miss understanding the system. The system doesn't determine where each area is on the forum, it determines priorities. So if you have conflicting codes, the one with the higher priority will load first overriding the other code.

I do agree this should be added though. Being able to adjust the load priorities of the templates would be great. Some of us have coding in the templates that should have a higher priority than other areas.