Why not allow UBBC for it ? May be useful for somethings ? not sure what things tho
The hidden field, is hidden... therefore no one will see it... what's the point?
>.> your thinking too small. say the biography thing, or even an RPG code. you can add images, and tags and it will be output as HTML. I'm doing a Concept code for biographies using it, so if people can add images, they can make it instead an image gallery for sigs and such. or they can use it for biographies and add data the way they want with customization and security.
hmmm ok... fair enough...
Wouldn't you need to make it HTML anyway?
hmmm ok... fair enough...
Wouldn't you need to make it HTML anyway?
That's what the UBBC parser does.
I like this idea, Dregond; sounds useful.
The value is now passed through the UBBC parser before being outputted
YAYY! *tackles and huggles Ross*
Tho on this note, Coders should use {} instead of [] for addon codes >.>
*changes code*
I'll do that too Dreggie !:)
Hmm i'm only having one bug with it so far >.> any recarrige / new lines, its parsed the right way, but when you go back to the modify profile they become \n for textarea tags.
Hmm i'm only having one bug with it so far >.> any recarrige / new lines, its parsed the right way, but when you go back to the modify profile they become n for textarea tags.
Can you link me to it?
Forum Link?
Ross wins!
Forum Link?
Ross wins!
I always win
http://samus.virtualforums.co.uk/action/view_profile/user/dr egondrahl/
So you want them to be outputted as "\r\n". If so, it should be doing that now
Not exactly Ross. In the signature area when you go [Enter] it goes to a new line, and if you do that like 3 times it goes like this
Here, now when you see the sig on the profile page the gap is there, and when you return to the modify profile page the gap is still there.
But for this field, instead of phrasing the new lines as an gap
Its outputting it as a '\n' In the modify profile page.
so the textarea to be
But now its showing it as
Which is wrong ....right ?
OK, I think I get what you mean. I've changed it again if you want to see if that's any good.
YEsh its doing it the right way, but iv been testing it a bit and now i see what the problem was. You did it right the first time, the thing, it didn't go to a new line because your replacing the \ (slashs) with their HTML equivalent, thats why it didn't go to a new line XD
Actually ill do some testing, and i'll get back. I'm so sorry for ll the trouble. this time ill make sure how it will be done
Okay confirmed, the first way is fine i will convert the \n to its proper way using RegExp .replace(/\\n/g,"\n")
So set it the way you did the first time
Perfect! Thanks Ross! *tackles* YAYY!
4 posts in a row enough?
Dreggie gets away with anything
Ross didn't have to post
I live outside his window