I can't seem to post because its mostly all coding topics in the boards so maybe graphic boards or something else
Try General or GOAYB.Hey this one to.
Though i would like a graphics,programing(W00T) and possible an advertise.Ross said we need more members so.......Advertise!
Is it ross from Proboards ?
Is it ross from Proboards ?
Yes, it's the same Ross.
Is it ross from Proboards ?
Is there any other Ross?
Is it ross from Proboards ?
Is there any other Ross?
That one that was in Friends, but he's A) far inferior and B ) not even real.
Is it ross from Proboards ?
Is there any other Ross?
That one that was in Friends, but he's A) far inferior and B ) not even real.
Would the realSlim ShadyRoss McLellan please stand up?
So why virtual forums if your staff at proboards
So why virtual forums if your staff at proboards
Most remotely hosted forum services share at least some staff. I can think of 2 which are very closely linked having the same developer and moderator.
Okay so did you make this ?
perhaps an intro board as a sub-board to the general?
Okay so did you make this ?
Yes he did
Okay so did you make this ?
Yes he did
And he did a dandy good job on it.