i cant see the confirmation code on topdeck website
can anyone help?
Just to confirm, Ross, when attempting to view the image it gives the following error:
The image “http://s3.virtualforums.co.uk/captcha/image.php?captcha=4 976909&bg=F8F8F8” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
It appears to only affect the s3 subdomain; s2 works fine.
MickyH - The administrator will be happy to fix this issue as soon as he is able. Unfortunately, it is currently the middle of the night for him. Until then, I've created a temporary fix for you. On the register page, enter the following into your address bar:
javascript: ((function(){ var img = document.images; for(i = 0; i < img.length; i++){ img[i].src = img[i].src.replace("s3.","s2."); } })())
This will display a copy of the image that is stored on a different server.
As I said, this is only a temporary solution; Ross will have a look at this when he wakes up.
A fix is in progress
And it should be fixed now. Do let us know if you have any other problems