It's a graphic forum with a lot of resources. I'll admit, it doesnt look ready but I don't want to push the deadline for the 8th time. :\
Comments are highly appreciated.
I see what you mean by it's unfinished look. This forum has had a lot of hype build up around it. I must admit, I've been hanging out for this forum for a long time - simply because of the lack of decent graphics communities out there since they've all died off. I'm hoping and I trust that pD lives up to what has been said about it.
However, on the down note - all this hype, has left me empty really. Granted, I haven't looked at the community side of it - but from the first initial look at the skin, you have several great designers working on the skin. You have yourself spearheading the design, with Alex and I believe Sonic was helping as well.
I must say, I think what held you back though on unleashing some massive creativity was the coding side of things. I mean, I'm aware that finding a coder these days is damn hard because no one wants to do it anymore, not after Wrighty's glory days.
However, aside from that, as I've said before, and I'm just going to reiterate, I think that you could have done so much better with this skin really - all that hype you had built up. You were in the making of this for how long? At least 2 months, that's quite a while to be hanging out for on a forum really, loads of time to design something really pretty.
However, I know that it sounds harsh, but I'm not going to lie to you, preDesigns has the potential to become the next SSD. The skins are of equal quality, however, when SSD released their skin, it was top stuff for that time period, about 4 years ago - shapes, where hawt. This skin, isn't sleek, it isn't polished. You in effect, only designed half a banner then duplicated it over the other side.
I think the best part of the skin is the background, the outline is nice, it's quite sexy really - the banner lets the forum down, it's just a pattern with some splatter brushing over it then flipped..
The bottom of the forum is also out of place, it's slightly more to the right than the rest of the forum.
Looking at the community now though, to me, there doesn't look much to keep me interested in being here. Theres Crazy Competitions at the bottom, but not much else really. That's only in the suggestions stage to. The interest is focused on getting your work critiqued and to chat in the off topic boards or steal free resources really. Theres no challenge in it, theres nothing aside from those two boards to keep you interested. That could result quite easily in having an inbalanced forum with the majority of your posts being in 1 - 2 boards, which looks bad for any forum.
I mean, hell mate, if your forum. But to me, you promised to deliver really - I was expecting some wacky and wild, outrageous and HUGE. Something shiny and pretty... this, is none of those. This is mediocrity really.
I'm signing up though
lawlz, I was expecting more of a harsh rate from you...maybe you like it Nar, joking.
Lack of graphic forum's was my main goal to create this forum with alex. Even though this forum may not be the best graphic community right now, I'm trying my 110% to make it one.
Yes, most of it was Wrighty procrastinating to like the end of each deadline, lawlz. But I don't blame him, he's really really busy.
Anyways, to get back on topic.I agree about your comments about the banner, it is literally just splatter and then flip horizontal. The reason behind that was because Psmasterq was suppose to design the banner but he got to lazy, so i had to do it last minute.
That comment about us being the next SSD....that really means a lot to me that you would say that. I'll try my best to have that happen. =)
BTW I know the content was a bit let down but idk I was too distracted making web designs and then releasing the PSD for resources.
Having that said, this week I'm gonna make update base on your opinions.
+ rep for the rate.
I like it, its something that my Mage Designs lacks and that's codes. Im not much of a code person, But graphics, I can do really good graphics, if I had the money to get a $400 program. But I had to get Paint Shop Pro 9 off of my Grandparents.
Well anyway. There is too much white. It blinds my eyes. I like to be in the dark and on the computer (despite how everyone says that it canthurt your eyes) But anyways when I come on here from a dark themed forum it hurts my eyes. And you obviously have the most potential then me. I see great happenings to pD in teh next feature, just as Sven Said, it could be the next SSD or even SoCal (even though its a coding forum)
Just keep up the good work. And you will soar high.
(Yes my rate is not as bad as Sven's, its because I'm different, and in my views and thinking process is allot different then the most ordinary people, and im not a good rater anyways.)
Lol I also liked the part on your post where you said "It's either a vForums bug or Wrighty can't code" LMAO!!
lol, you learn to get along with Michael, he is a great coder - he is just overworked
I mean, a lot of design sites that are new are coming out with stock skins because no one wants to code for them anymore.. All the great coders out there charge money now it would be fantastic to see Michael settle down behind a strong admin team on a fantastic forum again.
/Cheers Michael. Fall to my peer pressure lol. With great coders, a skinner can basically design anything he damn well feels like. He wants to turn the cursor into a clock (for some reason or another) and the coder makes it happen
But, as I said earlier, because coding is such a time consumer and it IS a lot of effort - and, while you get to piece together everything - it's not much fun because it's ALWAYS your fault if something goes wrong, it's not totally CB, etc, etc. I totally understand where the coders of today are coming from with their comments about hating coding and why they start charging money for their services.
However, as I said, because of a result of the demand - potentially awsome sites are toppelling over.
Also, with my comment about the content - the resources that you slaved over. The content is infinetly more important that the resources. You have to give members something to interest them. I have got I think 10 posts, but I've already looked at all I wanted to + started my own thread.
Try adding in things like SotW or similar competitions, Clans, Battles, Challenges... get staff to help you with things like that They always come up with great ideas - just make sure you pick a very strong team or it'll all fall apart and quickly.
Yeah what Sven said ^_^
Yeah and to mention one of the Best coders Ive seen so far passed away a few years ago. California (R.I.P)
Now there are people who can top him (now) but they do charge and sometimes they charge way to much. If I were to make someone a site, and maintain it for them, I'd charge $20 an hour, and 15 for maintenance. As you sometimes do get codes that wont just work right. Or conflicts with another code or a browser.
What I'd rather see on a Design forum is more posting/requests/contribution such as adding resources. And then competitions such as sigy of the week or month, best skin design, skin competitions.
This is all of what my Mage Designs lack, and well of course members/staff/designers/coders
*pokes head in*
Sven - a strong admin team is very hard to find - as is an innovative designer that doesn't make all of his designs look the same....
*pokes head in*
Sven - a strong admin team is very hard to find - as is an innovative designer that doesn't make all of his designs look the same....
Yeah that is true. My Staff are half and half. Nothing really bad happens at my forum, so no staff has to warn, ban, or really do anything, but they do, do stuff, like Posting etc.
I really like the skin. The colors are very aesthetically pleasing. And I think the banner is great and dynamic. Though the content is hard to follow. The board titles aren't really descriptive, and I don't like having to read every board description. Also, I don't know what the difference is between the Yard Sale and the Exhibition Hall. I think the Designers Resource and preMade Resources are redundant. Otherwise, its alright. There's really no catch. You know, no incentive to join this forum over any other design forum.