We have just started and already have a fair number of active members. My Co-Admin (more like my brother) made a new skin. Feel free to rate and join. (If the request to join is not allowed feel free to remove it)
Click Here.
bumping allowed?
Love the background. You could have differn't text though because it doesn't look really starwarsy. On and off icons would be great. A cool thing you could look into is a rpg code that puts you in sith or jedi. Like the harry potter house code. You could ask someone for that. It would be better for the link highlight to be lighter instead of white.
I would say bumping allowed. (note the staff might wanna make rules so you can tell us this )
Thanks for the rate.
I was gonna ask him if he could make the on/off buttons, but didn't wanna over work him.
What you should do is make a rollover effect, for the menu buttons, were the red turns to blue, I think it would look nice.
Thanks DM.
I'll definetly take that into consideration.
We are in the proccess of getting new menu buttons.
Your welcome ^_^
I'm actually thinking about doing that.What you should do is make a rollover effect, for the menu buttons, were the red turns to blue, I think it would look nice.
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll let you know when its finished so you can see.
To be honest I don't know which skin is THE skin to rate...
Well, I don't think the 4 pre-made skins count, just rate "Star Wars Lounge" skin.