vForums Support > Artwork & Design :: Graphics Discussion & Showoff :: Graphics Requests :: > Background.
Background. - Posted By ashkir (ashkir) on 8th May 09 at 1:37pm
Forum URL: http://timeline.vforums.co.uk
Image Type: Background.
Dimensions (Size in Pixels): 1440 x 900 (This seems the average size now)
Colours (preferably in hex codes): I am unsure of what the exact colors are, but, however,in other details I listed some.
Fonts (provide direct links if any): Up to designer. Probably none needed.
Text (and sub-text): Up to designer. Probably none needed.
Stock Image(s) to be used (provide direct links): Well, my forum is not based on anything, but, completely original.
Other details: I would love this to match my banner http://timeline.needaear.com/images/banner.png .