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C&C - Posted By tricky.cb (crazyblue) on 14th Jul 08 at 4:22pm
It seems that Critiquing and Commenting have pretty much died. All it is now is 'that's nice' or 'cool.' This topic is a few general ways to give constructive criticism and comments.

First of all, after reading a topic titled 'Signature' by silker, I've realized the idea of C&C has really gone out now. People don't understand that trying to be nice while critiquing something is the wrong way to go. If you do that you'll end up never helping the person, and they will have trouble advancing. I know that personally.

So when critiquing try to be as HARSH as possible with out being rude. Tell all the flaws you see in the piece of work, and FOLLOW it with constructive help on how it can be fixed. Pointing out the flaws wont do anything either. You need to back it up with how they can fix it.

Ex: "The flow in your signature needs some work. Try blurring out the spot in the top left, and sharpening the render that's in the middle."

It's that simple, and in the long run it's helpful.

Also when it comes to pointing out the positives or really.. commenting avoid simple comments. Point out the positive, and why you like it, and even if it could be somewhat better by doing something to it.

Ex: "The render placement is really good in this signature. It's blended really well as well. Although I think it would look so much cooler if you took a chalk brush with the smudge tool and smudged up the bottom right of the render, and sharpened it."

Hopefully you guys will read this and take it in, and use it {Tongue Out}

Re: C&C - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 14th Jul 08 at 4:41pm
I know where you are coming from, I do have my share of 'that's nice' or 'cool.' I also do point out some things that could also need fixing like on Slikers Signature, with the black part of the background.

...Maby that's why he hasn't been on for awhile now {Unsure} Because he did not like what Sven put. and I understand what Sven is doing, but at times he can be really Rude about his C&C. {Unsure}

Re: C&C - Posted By Sven (sven) on 15th Jul 08 at 7:23am
A bit annoyed that I was singled out but I'll take it.

The point of CC and what a lot of people don't understand is that amateur designing is a very harsh world.

What i did NOT like about Sliker was that he came on, asking for CC, I gave my opinion - really, I told him it was a filter pile and to fix it the only real way to fix a filter pile is to scrap it and read more tutorials and looking at others works. That wasn't an attempt to be mean, it was just honest. But anyway, back to what I was saying originally; when people ask for CC they have to be willing to accept the good and the bad, if you have a fragile disposition, don't ask for CC; simple.

Sliker, was expecting people to bow down and kiss his feet, that really annoys me - especially in designing. The cockyness that is present is absurd and it just gives me the SH!Ts.

TBH, I haven't seen much of a problem with CC lately, because there hasn't been any.

As you said yourself tricky...

People don't understand that trying to be nice while critiquing something is the wrong way to go

By being polite is being nice. I bet you Sliker took a lot of notice at what I said to him, I didn't flame him, I didn't say anything against him, I didn't like his signature. I told him it required little skill to imitate what he had done and he obviously looked at what I said. Rather than being nice someone shrugs it off like you said.

Being nice to people while CC isn't the way it should be, people are too arrogant now a days and take little heed of something unless it insults them or makes them loose money tbh.

Re: C&C - Posted By slip (slip) on 16th Jul 08 at 1:01pm
Let's not let this turn into another person #1 vs. person #2 debate.

Critiquing always has to be to the point and an honest opinion - but its the wording of the critique that can be done intelligently enough for a new designer to learn sufficiently from his mistakes. Its not really a question of being harsh or not being harsh. Its how the person takes it. And yea some people take it personally while the guy giving the critique might not have meant it personally at all. so thus its all in the wording. The best critiques can be as blunt as possible but will include some pointers on how to improve and encourage.

There's no point in continuing this debate. Nobody was right or wrong.