Maybe we shoud start an art group or soemthing to create some skins for vForums?
That is a good idea. Then people can put their ideas together and see a great outcome. We gotta see what other people think though![]()
I've created about 5skins for vForums yet there arnt enough coders, They are only wrighty and he's busy most times, ross yet he's busy also.
Well, if Wrighty won't code them... spam his inbox![]()
What about marc? He done a couple good codes![]()
There's not enough designers to actively participate in any group - look at how many suggestions we got for GOTW. VF is still new - it will take some time for more designers to trickle in. Feel free to make skins yourself. Couple of skinning forums are supposed to take off but I'm not sure how soon.
I'm open to code them, however I would appreciate some sort of kindliness when asking, instead of EXPECTING me to code them. I'm a busy person!![]()
I'm open to code them, however I would appreciate some sort of kindliness when asking, instead of EXPECTING me to code them. I'm a busy person!![]()
can't be that busy if you ask to code a template with me![]()
That one day I was bored.... I have got more requests from people now... Couple paid too - gotta get them cleared again!![]()
i finally have a few paid requests now![]()
hmmm, when the time comes i'd like to join in on the design group, i can do th images and stuff, but not very much on the coding, at least not in java, i can do html, little php and quite a bit of c++![]()
Well i can help out.Im a GFX designer.I was in a GFX group before.I am spending a lot of time here.I used to know c++/c and css.But i started in GFX designing.