I've been having some trouble deciding which system to get. For $350 I can get a 20gb XBOX 360. For $400, I can get an 80gb PS3.
I have both a ps1 and ps2. I love every game I've bought for both systems. However, I also love Xbox games.
Now, I've gone over the pro's & con's, such as Playstation has wireless internet built in, a web browser built in, a bigger hard drive, free online gaming, and I'm more used to the company. And also Xbox has good games, lots of games for "hardcore gamers", and whatnot.
I've decided to go with a PS3, but first I want to know what you guys think, just in case I feel like changing my mind out of nowhere.
So, thoughts on the subject?
Go with the PS3 .
Although i only have ps1 &2 , but i hear good things about ps3 .
Go with the PS3 .
Although i only have ps1 &2 , but i hear good things about ps3 .
Have any actual reasons?
Xbox 360
Halo 3
Call of duty 4
Assassins Creed
And mostly Halo 3.
Xbox 360
Halo 3
Call of duty 4
Assassins Creed
And mostly Halo 3.
Halo is overrated, I have it for PC and I'm fine with that.
Call of Duty 4 I like better on PS3.
The rest aren't games I could play for a long time without getting bored.
Xbox 360. Better Games.
Gears of war (I think its way better then halo 3)
Call of duty 4 (which is on ps3)
And there is bioshock which is pretty scary
I like the Xbox 360 better then the ps3 because of the price. Better games and online play. Oblivion is for ps3 though. I'm trying to recall the good games I got for 360.
Ohh yeah Viva Pinata... Sounds dumb but its awsome man.
PS3, it has a higher graphics support then an XBox 360 and at the current time it dont have many games out but what they have are really good, and with in the next 4 months they are suppose to release so major game names for the console, names like FF13 and Resident Evil 5 . And if you go for the PS3 you have to get Enchanted Arms..its awesome and can show you what the PS3's graphics can really do.
Playstation 3 all the way!
The play station 3 has better system quality's, truthfully i believe the games on ps3 are better (probably because i can care less about halo)
The playstation has ps only games like
Resistance: The Fall Of Man
Ratchet And Clank
Heavenly Sword
God Of War 3 (soon)
An more i cant think of!
And soon were going to have resistance 2: united we fall with 60 player online, 2 full campaigns, 8 player online co-op 1 really big reason to own a ps3!
ontop of that we have most of the great games the 360 has, cod4, cod3, nfs, burnout, etc!
the internet capability is great, and its FREE!!!! No dumb fees!
The playstation network store is great too with loads of mini games for download that use the sixaxis controllers (motion sensitive like the wii) like
high velocity bowling
rub a dub dub
Go! Sports
Toy Home
Blast Factor
Pixel Junk Games
and soon DONT forget about, [i]HOME[/i]!
If i wasent lazy id even right more!
Everyone should get a Wii
I'm still a fan of my PC.
Possibly because it cost less than both, and I can do more with it than both combined...
The playstation has ps only games like
Resistance: The Fall Of Man
Ratchet And Clank
Heavenly Sword
God Of War 3 (soon)
An more i cant think of!
And 360 has games like:
Halo 3
Gears of war 2 (coming soon)
Dead or alive
Grand theft auto (more features on 360)
Halo Wars
and much more that i cant name on top of my head
Also is it just me or does the xbox 360 have the same graphic quality as the ps3 if not better? And not to mention the cheaper price of the xbox.
Regarding the price, I don't mind paying $50 extra for a blu-ray player, wireless adaptor, web browser, 80gb hard drive rather than 20gb, etc.
ya the 80gb is a lot better...i'm not sure how well the internet browser works on it, i haven't got as far as paying fdor that yet, but i will tell you this...a lot of PS2 games wont work on the ps3, you have to go and download the drivers from obline to play them and you can't use a ps2 memory card so if you play ps2 games on it you lose you memory and have to start over...that is the only flaws with the ps3, but i thought you should know that.
ya the 80gb is a lot better...i'm not sure how well the internet browser works on it, i haven't got as far as paying fdor that yet, but i will tell you this...a lot of PS2 games wont work on the ps3, you have to go and download the drivers from obline to play them and you can't use a ps2 memory card so if you play ps2 games on it you lose you memory and have to start over...that is the only flaws with the ps3, but i thought you should know that.
Adaptors are $15 around here.
there are adaptors? like for the memory cards?
there are adaptors? like for the memory cards?
Of course, for the memory cards and controllers.
wow thanks i needed to know that, the only place around here that i know that sells ps3 stuff is walmart and i didn't see anything like that there
I have had Play Station since I was 5, I had a PS1 then when PS2 came out my PS1 broke so we got it, then it broke so we got PS2 Slimline. PS3 is perosnally overrated, and ab it out of my price range. None of the new consoles really attracted me, but my mum bought a Wii, although I don't play my family seems to enjoy it more than they did the PS.
Wii wins xD
yes i love the wii i hope the remake Donkey Kong 64 so i can download it as well a Banjo Kazooi those games rock, i got the rest i wnated like those of the zelda series and the res of the donky kong series and the mario series sorry off topic
Halo = not overrated, just better than pc... x360 atw.
By mezorroOhh yeah Viva Pinata... Sounds dumb but its awsome man.
Finally someone else who plays that game! Viva Pinata rocks!
Anyways, I have heard both the PS3 and the Xbox360 are having their share of problems and that the PS3's with less than 80gigs of memory had the PS2 and PS1 compatibility taken out all together. However on the other hand you have the Red Ring of Death with the 360 which has effected about 2.9 million 360's since its release. The newer systems just don't have the integrity of the old consoles. (I personally only get consoles to play the games, which makes buying either the PS3 or 360 a waste of money right now because I won't utilize its other capabilities.)
What I would do is wait for a more improved version of the PS3 to come out (just like what they did with the PS2) and buy that. Or I would wait for the price to go down more. I've always liked the playstation's game selection more than the xbox's.
I've been having some trouble deciding which system to get. For $350 I can get a 20gb XBOX 360. For $400, I can get an 80gb PS3.
I have both a ps1 and ps2. I love every game I've bought for both systems. However, I also love Xbox games.
Now, I've gone over the pro's & con's, such as Playstation has wireless internet built in, a web browser built in, a bigger hard drive, free online gaming, and I'm more used to the company. And also Xbox has good games, lots of games for "hardcore gamers", and whatnot.
I've decided to go with a PS3, but first I want to know what you guys think, just in case I feel like changing my mind out of nowhere.
So, thoughts on the subject?
i have a ps3 and it owns trust me go with it because u can do a lot more u can even put linux on it with no hacks!!!
yes i love the wii i hope the remake Donkey Kong 64 so i can download it as well a Banjo Kazooi those games rock, i got the rest i wnated like those of the zelda series and the res of the donky kong series and the mario series sorry off topic
That's why i've still got my N64, tis much better playing them on the original console