vForums Support > General :: General :: > What technology is used for this board?

What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 1st Feb 08 at 11:34pm

Is it still CGI like proboards.

Or is it php or something else?

The url does not show.

Thank you.

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 1st Feb 08 at 11:46pm
It's PHP {Smile}

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:14am
{Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy} {Cheesy}

I can work with PHP!!

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:32am
Well done,

So can I {Tongue Out}

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:35am
But the images and basic structure of this forum still resembles proboards. I know Ross is a mod there. Did he purchase a license from patrick?

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:38am
Not at all.

They are all (PB, CF & SL) based on a version of a free forum software called YABB ... Ross simply used that.

They all have the same ROOT, but are in no way connected!

when the skin comp is over, we'll look different! {Smile}

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:42am
cool Wrighty.

Is switching to a more generic gTLD like.com,.net,.org part of the plan?

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:43am
I doubt it.

This is a UK based company. Ross is from the UK, so chances are .co.uk will remain.

Is there any advantage of a .com or other over a .co.uk?

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 2nd Feb 08 at 12:44am
There's no technical advantage.

Just some marketing advantage Wrighty.

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 2nd Feb 08 at 1:18am
Well then chances are that we will remain with .co.uk only.

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Ross (admin) on 2nd Feb 08 at 10:21am
Not at all.

They are all (PB, CF & SL) based on a version of a free forum software called YABB ... Ross simply used that.

I've never even used YaBB. The entire system was hand coded from scratch. The only reason there is a resemblance is because that's the layout I'm familiar with.

We're a .co.uk for 2 reasons. Firstly because we are a UK based company and as such are targeting more UK based users. And secondly by being a .co.uk we can offer a shorter domain name due to the lack of .com domains available thanks to the number of domain squatters who use them.

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By deexdee (deexdee) on 2nd Feb 08 at 4:52pm
Wow, Ross you the man

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By XeroCint (kai) on 2nd Feb 08 at 10:38pm
Hm, I thought these were XML... lol
my bad {Tongue Out}

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 2nd Feb 08 at 11:58pm

Is it still CGI like proboards.

Or is it php or something else?

The url does not show.

Thank you.

CGI is not a language; it stands for Common Gateway Interface, and is a file extension used by a wide variety of languages. The Proboards system is coded in PERL. {Wink}

Re: What technology is used for this board? - Posted By Cryhavoc_ (virtuoso) on 3rd Feb 08 at 7:53pm

Is it still CGI like proboards.

Or is it php or something else?

The url does not show.

Thank you.

CGI is not a language; it stands for Common Gateway Interface, and is a file extension used by a wide variety of languages. The Proboards system is coded in PERL. {Wink}

That explains it. The source of some of its features are incredibly grotesque.

CGI makes me gag. I have a book on my shelf just sitting there gawking at me: "CGI & Perl - Explained".

I'll stick to PHP I think.