vForums Support > General :: General :: > Extremely important!!!! must read!
Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 10th Jan 08 at 8:57pm
copy and paste from proboards
I haven't seen this around so I thought I'd post it as a warning to all you Proboarders Vforums:
I M P O R T A N T W A R N I NG ! ! ! ! ! Confirmed by Snopes
I only know what this says. May or may not be but why take a chance?
Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on... This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton.
Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet.
You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail with a Power Point presentation "Life is Beautiful"
If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately.
If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying: "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful."
Subsequently you will LOSE EVERY THING IN YOUR PC, And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it.
The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself "life owner". PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THIS E-MAIL TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS, And ask them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY!
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 10th Jan 08 at 9:00pm
I never believe any of these things... and I just never open any attachments I get.. I also get AVG to scan all attachments!
Thanks for the heads up though!
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 10th Jan 08 at 9:02pm
Yep your welcome, I never open up attachment neither. Though I have herd things about this.
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 10th Jan 08 at 9:06pm
There's excessive use of Capitals in there... >.<
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 10th Jan 08 at 9:15pm
It's a fake. Snopes is only a site for Urban legends
As always, keep vigilant against all unsolicited emails, especially ones with attatchments but this one is a fake
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Ross (admin) on 10th Jan 08 at 10:17pm
Unless I know the sender, then any email I get tends to go straight into the spam folder, especially if there's any attachments.
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By XeroCint (kai) on 10th Jan 08 at 10:18pm
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By gray929 (gray929) on 10th Jan 08 at 11:09pm
Says its a hoax. . .
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 11th Jan 08 at 8:58pm
See this was posted on an FF forum I Role-Play on, and figured to post it, but... i dont think its a hoax, as My friends $3,400 Computer, got totally wiped out, when he opened the same email. Just not long before I posted this. His CPU was fast, Windows Vista Ultimate, A whole bunch of Gaming Drivers, Graphics drivers, His computer looked like HD. (Maby it was... Im not sure
EDIT: but everything was gone, he could not even turn on the computer, I tried to access his email, and it said it was the wrong password, and He told me from word to word what it is, he even tried at my house, and it did not work.
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 12th Jan 08 at 1:34am
I highly doubt that it was that particular email - if he's silly enough to open an unsolicited email from an unknown sender, then gawd knows what he had running, or any other emails that might have caused the problem
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By slip (slip) on 12th Jan 08 at 5:38pm
Why do people bother to send these email forwards anymore anyway?? they're so passe.
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 12th Jan 08 at 6:09pm
Darkmage, you forgot to add that if you don't forward this message to 10 people in 5 minutes; the girl from The Ring will kill you in your sleep tonight.
These things are usually hoaxes; and even if anti-virus software can't stop it, they can at least recognize it and stop your computer from opening it in the first place.
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Paddy (artemis) on 14th Jan 08 at 9:55pm
Reason number 36 why I use linux: I never even bother opening attachments from anyone anymore. If you're someone who would send me an attachment in the first place, you'd know I detest the things, and that anything you send me would either be all text, or would require effort on my part to view, effort you know I won't take.
As a result, I just set my email to forward anything with an attachment into the spam folder. xD
Re: Extremely important!!!! must read! - Posted By Samus (samus) on 16th Jan 08 at 5:42am
Bah, attachments? People still open these things?
I gave up years ago. They require me downloading something which wastes precious seconds. So I just don't download them, even if they're from someone I know.