It's 2021 and I'm still kickin! Who else is still around these days?
After being in relatively close contact with over a dozen people who caught Cpvid-19, I'm still around.
I never tested positive. I'm fully vaccinated now and waiting on information about a Moderna booster shot.
Stay safe.
I'm here still!Have not been doing forum in a few years, but I check on this place from time to time. lol. Hopefully a comeback very soon!
Edit: Had a though with HTML5 and CSS3. Forums can be so much better! Ross here has kept it still going after all these years. I wonder if there will ever be a comeback?
I'm here still!Have not been doing forum in a few years, but I check on this place from time to time. lol. Hopefully a comeback very soon!
Edit: Had a though with HTML5 and CSS3. Forums can be so much better! Ross here has kept it still going after all these years. I wonder if there will ever be a comeback?
HTML 5 has been a standard for 7 or so years.
I pop in from time to time, but my day job is enough to keep me busy and i try to get offline if I can in the evenings/weekends.
As far as I can remember yeah. lol.
Also, I wish there was an easier way to prune members and their posts. Clicked onto an old RP forum of mine, and it's littered with bots, so cleaning it up. Thought it was in MM, but I guess not, posts as early as today even...
I'm still around from time to time, lurking in the shadows...
Hard to believe it's been almost 15 years since I created my account here.
I'm still around from time to time, lurking in the shadows...
Hard to believe it's been almost 15 years since I created my account here.
No kidding! November this year for me and it'll be 15 years! Absolutely nuts!
I'm still here! Been trying to clean up spam bots on my forums, definitely a mess! They're almost in the 400s with accounts on all of my forums, (all are in maintenance mode.) with thousands of posts. But vF is running so slow, and keep getting a 500 error. Definitely wish vF would come back!
Edit: Photobucket also killed most of my images too. So many memories lost.