It seems a whole bunch of forums are breeding grounds for spam bots now.I noticed a few of my own forums were attacked by them, but there is a forum called vDirectory in the vF forum directory, well seeing how it had so much "active" members, I'd join and start talking to more people, well come to find out it's more of a spam fest than anything else.
I know a forum of mine has spam bots, but they seem to be real people, yet they have ads in their signature.
Is there any good forums on vF anymore that is legit?![]()
vForums may only be gaining members/posts just by spam bots alone. I banned at least 100+ on my own forum in the last year alone.
We've been undergoing a fair bit of reorganisation & restructuring at the moment. Every piece of software we have developed (which includes vForums) is being looked at and being improved on. When we get down the list to vForums we'll see what can be done to stop this.
I have noticed a few of the bits you talk about, but if you have any links you can send across I'll check if they're bits we're aware of and see if there's any fixes which can be done more immediately. Thanks.
Ok, I'll send them in PM.
Is there any good forums on vF anymore that is legit?![]()
We've got one Nick here at
We try and control it as tightly as we can.
Had a couple of them as well, but I just deleted them and then banned the ip addresses, haven't seen anything to them since. And I can see that this place is under massive attack at the moment as well![]()
Seems as the support forum is being over ran with them now too... where is Ross...?![]()
He'll be back as soon as he can - meanwhile all the spam links have been removed.
All the links might have been removed but, all of the so called 'members' are still here.
Most of those accounts have been banned
Most of those accounts have been banned
And yet they're still showing as active??![]()
We will deal with the rest of them soon enough - as of now, the accounts that had actually posted spam have been banned.
Thanks for your patience guys :-)
We've just run a purge of these spam accounts, at least the ones we're aware of, from all forums across the system. If anyone sees one of these accounts registered somewhere or posting on their forum then you can drop the IP address into this topic and I can have the databases searched for any other accounts registering or posting via the same IP. We will beat them!
With ugly sticks!!!!We will beat them!
I was thinking more of using sharp sticks![]()
That too... that too...
My site seems to have bots, but they seem to be intelligent. Look here for example: ion/view_topic/-what-are-some- of-the-scariest-movies-you-rec ommen
I'm slightly confused by it. Are they bots or humans? They all seem to have different types of odd advertisements in the signature, yet they are talking intelligently.![]()