vForums Support > General :: General :: > How's everyone?

How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 21st Nov 10 at 4:18pm
I've noticed the support forum has not had much posts in the last few weeks. Guess that's a good thing? Meaning no one is having any problems! {Grin}

Anyways, how is everyone? and what have you been doing?

I've been doing good, packing, and getting ready to move. My site has been doing fairly well. Getting allot of visitors! {Grin}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By justin (justin) on 21st Nov 10 at 5:58pm
wow, i was about to post one of these threads {Tongue Out} .

I'm good {Smile} . and i've been up to nothing but annoying people on twitter {Cheesy}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 21st Nov 10 at 6:47pm
Same as always - work, work work. Too many people want new websites at the moment {Tongue Out}

Plus i'm looking to buy a place of my own soon, so there's a lot to organise for that before i even look at a house...so thats taken up lots of my time;

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 21st Nov 10 at 7:21pm
Justin - It's always fun annoying people. xD

Graham - Sounds fun, at least you are making that money. {Smile}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 21st Nov 10 at 8:33pm
True, i shouldn't complain {Tongue Out} We were expecting a start of a lull as we near Xmas but that's not going to happen this year, it seems.

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By justin (justin) on 21st Nov 10 at 11:07pm
Justin - It's always fun annoying people. xD

yes it is {Cheesy} . i annoy michael because it's fun and he hasn't told me to f'off yet {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 22nd Nov 10 at 2:11am
Graham - Ahh yeah.
Justin - lol. Probably doesn't care to much. xD

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 22nd Nov 10 at 6:55am
I'm good, just got a lot of work going on at the moment for University, that and the fact that I'm struggling considerably for money! {Sad}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Ross (admin) on 22nd Nov 10 at 2:17pm
True, i shouldn't complain {Tongue Out} We were expecting a start of a lull as we near Xmas but that's not going to happen this year, it seems.

We were expecting the same. Had planned to sort out one of our websites and finish a set of vForums changes in the run up to Christmas. But that is only 4 weeks away and I still have 2 sites half finished plus another 3 which want to be online by Christmas/January but haven't finished being designed yet. That's not to mention a load of little changes to other sites which need doing. In fact, I shouldn't really be posting this as I should be working {Lips Sealed} I may need to see if the part timers want to do some extra hours over the holidays {Tongue Out}

@ Michael, are you working as a freelance developer now?

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 22nd Nov 10 at 4:17pm
Wow seems everyone is in a crunch/busy.

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By justin (justin) on 22nd Nov 10 at 4:43pm
Wow seems everyone is in a crunch/busy.

everyone but me D: -goes to get a life-

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 22nd Nov 10 at 8:05pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 22nd Nov 10 at 11:43pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 23rd Nov 10 at 1:55am
True, i shouldn't complain {Tongue Out} We were expecting a start of a lull as we near Xmas but that's not going to happen this year, it seems.

We were expecting the same. Had planned to sort out one of our websites and finish a set of vForums changes in the run up to Christmas. But that is only 4 weeks away and I still have 2 sites half finished plus another 3 which want to be online by Christmas/January but haven't finished being designed yet. That's not to mention a load of little changes to other sites which need doing. In fact, I shouldn't really be posting this as I should be working {Lips Sealed} I may need to see if the part timers want to do some extra hours over the holidays {Tongue Out}

@ Michael, are you working as a freelance developer now?

I'm still at university, but am working freelancing too! (:

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 23rd Nov 10 at 7:54pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

What if it was your own company? Being President, CEO, Head/low/leader Graphic Designer, etc? XD

RIP Mage Designs. {Tongue Out} iDesigns is my new one though, but have not been designing anything lately. Wanting to make a new forum, or build upon an existing forum, but not quite sure what I really want to do. {Tongue Out}

The last Graphic I did is what you see in my Signature. {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By justin (justin) on 23rd Nov 10 at 10:17pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

What if it was your own company? Being President, CEO, Head/low/leader Graphic Designer, etc? XD

RIP Mage Designs. {Tongue Out} iDesigns is my new one though, but have not been designing anything lately. Wanting to make a new forum, or build upon an existing forum, but not quite sure what I really want to do. {Tongue Out}

The last Graphic I did is what you see in my Signature. {Tongue Out}

you're a designer? {Shocked} i thought you were a coder {Tongue Out} .

I'm trying to be a coder but atm school is pushing me towards designing, i tell them i want to take computer programming and they put me in digital design {Tongue Out} . I'm really enjoying it but now having a little hard time deciding where it is i want to go.

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 23rd Nov 10 at 10:18pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

What if it was your own company? Being President, CEO, Head/low/leader Graphic Designer, etc? XD

RIP Mage Designs. {Tongue Out} iDesigns is my new one though, but have not been designing anything lately. Wanting to make a new forum, or build upon an existing forum, but not quite sure what I really want to do. {Tongue Out}

The last Graphic I did is what you see in my Signature. {Tongue Out}

Position is fairly irrelevant in this case, haha -- I'm with Grahamy on this one. It all sounds awesome on paper, but when you're dead tired and have a cold, the last thing you want to have to do is sit down and code (or design) for 8 hours, which of course includes numerous hours of debugging things that don't work right, or dealing with a client that's angry because the nav menu is 0.2 pixels lower on the page than they wanted or because they don't want to pay the amount they agreed to when the project started, etc.

P.S. In case you were wondering, I currently have a cold and got no sleep last night (and was dead tired when I came in this morning), and then spent the day redoing one of our websites' homepages and spent a fair bit of time getting IE to play nicely (as usual). Upon eventually getting it working, you of course need to get it reviewed which leads to more minor changes being made. The only good thing is that I'm here full-time, so I don't need to worry about not being paid, haha.

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By justin (justin) on 23rd Nov 10 at 10:38pm

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

What if it was your own company? Being President, CEO, Head/low/leader Graphic Designer, etc? XD

RIP Mage Designs. {Tongue Out} iDesigns is my new one though, but have not been designing anything lately. Wanting to make a new forum, or build upon an existing forum, but not quite sure what I really want to do. {Tongue Out}

The last Graphic I did is what you see in my Signature. {Tongue Out}

they don't want to pay the amount they agreed to when the project started, etc.

that's when you tell them to f'off your paying the price you agreed to or you're not getting what i designed/coded and I will sell the product to someone else {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Ross (admin) on 23rd Nov 10 at 11:20pm
What is this lyfe you speak of!? o_O

Ha, enjoy having a life for the time being! Rule #1: dont work for a web/graphic design agency...its harder than it sounds {Tongue Out}

What if it was your own company? Being President, CEO, Head/low/leader Graphic Designer, etc? XD

Running the company / department is worse. As well as the workload you also have the stress associated with being responsible for everything {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 24th Nov 10 at 1:33am
@Marc - you can't get 0.2 pixels! {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 24th Nov 10 at 2:37am
@Marc - you can't get 0.2 pixels! {Tongue Out}

Exactly my point! {Tongue Out}

Re: How's everyone? - Posted By ashkir (ashkir) on 24th Nov 10 at 2:48am
World of Warcraft.

Do I need to say more?