I had been advertising vForums in my signature at ProBoards for awhile. I found a way to get around showing the name and they block that name. So I change it to vBetter! and they block that too! I find it funny how Nazi ProBoards is getting about it.
So, I ended up just advertising it in my SigChat. They can't stop me there.
By the way, is it against ProBoards TOS to advertise the competitors?
LMAO, ProBoards is scared of the Competition, which is why they block them
and i'm not sure if it's against the TOS, their TOS is to long to read
I had been advertising vForums in my signature at ProBoards for awhile. I found a way to get around showing the name and they block that name. So I change it to vBetter! and they block that too! I find it funny how Nazi ProBoards is getting about it.
So, I ended up just advertising it in my SigChat. They can't stop me there.
By the way, is it against ProBoards TOS to advertise the competitors?
doubt it's against the TOS... I think it's just a rule on Support.
btw I think I've seen you before somewhere... and it's not just PB support
I had been advertising vForums in my signature at ProBoards for awhile. I found a way to get around showing the name and they block that name. So I change it to vBetter! and they block that too! I find it funny how Nazi ProBoards is getting about it.
So, I ended up just advertising it in my SigChat. They can't stop me there.
By the way, is it against ProBoards TOS to advertise the competitors?
doubt it's against the TOS... I think it's just a rule on Support.
btw I think I've seen you before somewhere... and it's not just PB support
Hi frufru, why is your image randomizer website down? I was disheartened when I saw that it was since I was wanting to get one.
I had been advertising vForums in my signature at ProBoards for awhile. I found a way to get around showing the name and they block that name. So I change it to vBetter! and they block that too! I find it funny how Nazi ProBoards is getting about it.
So, I ended up just advertising it in my SigChat. They can't stop me there.
By the way, is it against ProBoards TOS to advertise the competitors?
doubt it's against the TOS... I think it's just a rule on Support.
btw I think I've seen you before somewhere... and it's not just PB support
Hi frufru, why is your image randomizer website down? I was disheartened when I saw that it was since I was wanting to get one.
network violations . I gotta restructure set of image folders containing over 60,000 images because they don't like me having over 20,000 files in one directory apparently (also there were some huge files sitting around that wasn't being used, but I've taken care of that already). I'm out for a big event today though, so I probably won't be able to get the site back up until sometime on Sunday.
My host hasn't complained about 36k images in one folder!
My host hasn't complained about 36k images in one folder!
because Wimg pwns all?
-bets they use Wimg-
if you want to say another forum host just make an image like this.
they can't ban image hosts, or that will remove people signatures and tick them off xD
Ok guys, how about we stop discussing ways to get around censors that are on other forums?
Ok guys, how about we stop discussing ways to get around censors that are on other forums?
whatever you say
Ok guys, how about we stop discussing ways to get around censors that are on other forums?
Pat made proboards, he pays for the servers, he can be as petulant as he wants.
I just found it funny, 'tis why I made this thread.
I just found it funny, 'tis why I made this thread.
That's fine! =]
i used to get to get in trouble all the time on pbs for having a different free forum service that i help mod for in my sig
i understand why they do it but at times it a bit over top.
I had been advertising vForums in my signature at ProBoards for awhile. I found a way to get around showing the name and they block that name. So I change it to vBetter! and they block that too! I find it funny how Nazi ProBoards is getting about it.
So, I ended up just advertising it in my SigChat. They can't stop me there.
By the way, is it against ProBoards TOS to advertise the competitors?
Even though i don't visit proboards that much since i have my own thing going and super moderator on a very large webmaster forum, i do love proboards still and can't believe you just said what i just read.
I don't know why you have this thing against proboards but they are still a great provider and i will still recommended them to friends and this forum also. Ross has did a great job in creating this forum with all the new features.
All free forums want there site to be popular with lots of members to hopefully increase there revenue while providing people a free forum to run instead of paying a lot for the other ones. I have used the other ones for years but sold my forums. No free forum owner wants to here people talk about how good another provider is because that free forum owner wants the people to say and use there forums. I agree with Probards for many years that mentioning the competitors is just wrong. Why send someone from one free forum provider to another one when you can just help that one member with there issue with there forum to keep them a happy client?
Blaa, i could go on about what i really think but i don't have too much time to monitor this thread since i have a busy schedule 7 days a week already. lol
Sorry Ross if i offended you but i did not mean anything. I have been with proboards since 2000 but went to the support forum in 2003.
This thread was a joke thread. Wow.
I think we're done here.