I guess they say that time flies when you're having fun, and blimey... 2 years?
Well, vF and 2 years. All I can say is bloody hell what a change. I remember when I first joined here, I got talking to Marc and unfortunately, haven't heard from the old pigeon (some of you will get the pun!) for ages now. Also, got talking to Ross, and from previous places, Graham.
At that time vF was a small nice community, with the support board being less active due to the actual service working and not trying to kill all the various admins.
I remember when Ross but the forum into Maintenance Mode very early on when I joined, and Marc and I were speculating about what had happened. Rumour had it, Ross had created a new bug (later called the Cr0wbug I think! [there's a thread somewhere!] - Speaking of which, I called dibs on the next bug!). However, it was an update (in those old days the forum had to be offline for it to be updated!), and with that update came two new staff, myself & Marc. However, we didn't know entirely who was promoted first, and numerous times we argued (jokingly of course!) about it, I still stand by my thoughts that I was first!![]()
Aside from that, it was just a matter of whoring a post count. Wait no, I mean helping out here & there. I coded many of the codes in the index now, including the actual index too! What would be next was when the server died and Ross was away temporarily (not on holiday, just away from computer)... so I had to deal with that. Rather fun, but got it fixed, and got me some shiny +rep from Ross!![]()
Then came Ross' holiday - that was going to be fun .... he broke it in a way of... "I'm off guys, don't break anything!". Well kindof, all 3 of the staff (Graham had joined us at this point) were given suitable access to make the place run (and so we could steal it from Ross - but that never happened!). And it did go smoothly, I think, although Ross did love to make it so that his logs would fill up the server. But that's a thing of the past.
I guess I owe an apology to Ross in the way things in the past were handled, and I know for a fact that they removed all chances of further workings with vF, but what do they say, you don't know the full picture at the time, or your blinded by the light or something like that.
So, I guess Ross knows, but anyway, sorry Ross!![]()
Graham, jeese what a guy. Moving slowly from the guy who was made a mod (in a rather unique way if I remember correctly), to who is now (I believe, although don't see it from his unique coloured name) a support admin. So congrats.
I don't know what came of Marc, but if he returns ever, he knows I think he's anoobcool guy!![]()
To those of you who are new staff, keep active (hard to say now that 3 of them are inactive! >.>), and work!![]()
Finally to vF, and my first 2 years... which were eventful, and filled with one huge mistake, but that mistake (hopefully) is in the past. So yea, bloody hell 2 years ... I need a beer!![]()
PS: I still owe Graham a pint from a bet! >.>
lol wow some of us have been here for quiet a whilebut unlike yourself I haven't been much help around here, every
Wow.. Has it been that long? It feels like I just registered here yesterday! This service has helped me in a great way from learning of mistakes, learning new ways of coding, and making many friends (and possibly enemies| not sure if I did or not.)
but I feel sad now: Date Registered: 10:26pm on 25th November 2007 I missed my own anniversary date!and I swear I was the first one to join this forum! The only one that I saw in the new member was Ross (Obviously) and I was the second one after that. I strongly believe that I really did. because I bookmarked the site for later as the forum was in MM. So I wasn't able to join. The next day I took a chance, and clicked on the bookmark, and the forum was open, and right away I clicked Register, and was the first one to join, but wasn't the first to make a post.
and I am 4th place in the race against first place for Posting.(Which doesn't really matter.
But I love this forum/service, and I am glad Ross made this forum!![]()
Time goes too fast.
Wow.. Has it been that long? It feels like I just registered here yesterday! This service has helped me in a great way from learning of mistakes, learning new ways of coding, and making many friends (and possibly enemies| not sure if I did or not.)
but I feel sad now: Date Registered: 10:26pm on 25th November 2007 I missed my own anniversary date!and I swear I was the first one to join this forum! The only one that I saw in the new member was Ross (Obviously) and I was the second one after that. I strongly believe that I really did. because I bookmarked the site for later as the forum was in MM. So I wasn't able to join. The next day I took a chance, and clicked on the bookmark, and the forum was open, and right away I clicked Register, and was the first one to join, but wasn't the first to make a post.
and I am 4th place in the race against first place for Posting.(Which doesn't really matter.
But I love this forum/service, and I am glad Ross made this forum!![]()
I'll always be a three star full member. =D
Yeah, um, why is your name a different color than everyone else Nick?
Blimey, its been two years?!![]()
It's been quite a ride so far, and i've learn so much in my tenure here...to be effectively second in command of the service (and in charge while Ros disappears for a week each year) is a huge privelege and i thank Ross for the opportunity.
I remember when i first joined...i think i was the 10th member to sign up. The first few weeks were spent withe veryone nagging Ross to fix all the errors and get the system up to a level which it has continued to improve on. I remember getting my modship...Ross played about with my profile and that was the first i knew about it!
The place has given me some very good colleagues and more importantly, friends - Michael and i have been through the mill throughout the past two years which is all in the past, and i regard him as a very good friend. It would be great to see Marc back here more but i know that he is swamped with school and work so i don't blame him for his inactivity.
The next year or two are going to be very intersting for vF - some of Ross' plans are very exciting and i'm proud to be part of the setup and as Support Admin, i'm very proud of the (albeit small) community we have here; i'm sure we can build on this and make it a thriving hub of activity![]()
Just don't find too many bugs, it's Christmas and we want to relax a bit![]()
Yeah, um, why is your name a different color than everyone else Nick?
http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/action/members/view/staff =]
Full member for life!
Um, ok
Some good memories there Wrighty. I've definitely enjoyed the ride over the past 2 years, even the bumpy parts. The best is yet to come though![]()
It doesn't feel that long but it must be since I've had two holidays in that time. The first wasn't too bad as I had all 3 of you and daily Internet access (and needed it when the server logs got buggy - I remember the weeks which followed that being quite stressful in trying to find and fix the problem, in the end we moved servers). The second time I was away was quite scary since I had a whole week with no Internet and just Graham was left to man the fort (with a friend of mine on hand as emergency backup). I was a little disappointed to find that the place survived fine without me![]()
Some good memories there Wrighty. I've definitely enjoyed the ride over the past 2 years, even the bumpy parts. The best is yet to come though![]()
It doesn't feel that long but it must be since I've had two holidays in that time. The first wasn't too bad as I had all 3 of you and daily Internet access (and needed it when the server logs got buggy - I remember the weeks which followed that being quite stressful in trying to find and fix the problem, in the end we moved servers). The second time I was away was quite scary since I had a whole week with no Internet and just Graham was left to man the fort (with a friend of mine on hand as emergency backup). I was a little disappointed to find that the place survived fine without me![]()
I remember the days when Rossy was mad at his internet company cause his internet wasn't working in the middle of an awesome update series.![]()
Time goes too fast.
Wow.. Has it been that long? It feels like I just registered here yesterday! This service has helped me in a great way from learning of mistakes, learning new ways of coding, and making many friends (and possibly enemies| not sure if I did or not.)
but I feel sad now: Date Registered: 10:26pm on 25th November 2007 I missed my own anniversary date!and I swear I was the first one to join this forum! The only one that I saw in the new member was Ross (Obviously) and I was the second one after that. I strongly believe that I really did. because I bookmarked the site for later as the forum was in MM. So I wasn't able to join. The next day I took a chance, and clicked on the bookmark, and the forum was open, and right away I clicked Register, and was the first one to join, but wasn't the first to make a post.
and I am 4th place in the race against first place for Posting.(Which doesn't really matter.
But I love this forum/service, and I am glad Ross made this forum!![]()
I'll always be a three star full member. =D
Because you're speshul!
Blimey, its been two years?!![]()
It's been quite a ride so far, and i've learn so much in my tenure here...to be effectively second in command of the service (and in charge while Ros disappears for a week each year) is a huge privelege and i thank Ross for the opportunity.
I remember when i first joined...i think i was the 10th member to sign up. The first few weeks were spent withe veryone nagging Ross to fix all the errors and get the system up to a level which it has continued to improve on. I remember getting my modship...Ross played about with my profile and that was the first i knew about it!
The place has given me some very good colleagues and more importantly, friends - Michael and i have been through the mill throughout the past two years which is all in the past, and i regard him as a very good friend. It would be great to see Marc back here more but i know that he is swamped with school and work so i don't blame him for his inactivity.
The next year or two are going to be very intersting for vF - some of Ross' plans are very exciting and i'm proud to be part of the setup and as Support Admin, i'm very proud of the (albeit small) community we have here; i'm sure we can build on this and make it a thriving hub of activity![]()
Just don't find too many bugs, it's Christmas and we want to relax a bit![]()
Aww come on!? Where's the fun in that!?![]()
The second time I was away was quite scary since I had a whole week with no Internet and just Graham was left to man the fort (with a friend of mine on hand as emergency backup). I was a little disappointed to find that the place survived fine without me![]()
I know, it made me look capable![]()
i'd talk to you but you wont reply to any of my messages... adding to that there is snow here too
and honestly snowboarding alone sucks, so start walking
I'm a few days late on this, it seems, but it really is hard to believe that vforums has been around 2 years O.o
its also hard to believe that you joined before I did and only have 12 post
I still have the most though![]()
I still have the most though![]()
Unless i change it![]()
I still have the most though![]()
Unless i change it![]()
You're being mean today!![]()
I still have the most though![]()
Unless i change it![]()
You're being mean today!![]()
haha, you know i kid![]()
Unless i change it![]()
You're being mean today!![]()
haha, you know i kid![]()
I know![]()
I'm not that stoopid =P
(no replies or quotes or comments about that last line please!)
Sorry I'm a little late on this.![]()
In 5 days is my 2 years of being here! I have had so much fun but I get busy so I can't get on as much as I want to.
In my almost 2 years I have experienced people turning from members into mods (And the 3 main skin changes). Well mostly I would like to say to all people that I have talked to on here thanks!
Wrighty... You went from member to mod to member and now you are mod. Hopefully you stay longer this time![]()
Graham- Sorry I don't really know you that wellI know you use to be a mod so congrats on being support administrator!
Slip- I remember you from Provision. It's been a long time since I have been on there though. You have always been an awesome designer!![]()
Darkmage- Dang you got a lot of posts#1 poster that isn't on staff. Good job
Your graphics and coding keeps getting better! Good luck!
Dwight- I met you through VA. Thanks for all you have done and good luck on your game!
Nick- I'm pretty sure I remember you from someone but I can't remember... Ohh well nice job on becoming Full Member for life!![]()
Ross- Finally. Thank you for making this awesome forum provider. I remember when I was on proboards, I found that you were no longer staff and remembered wondering what happened. I was told by someone that you made your own forum provider. At first I was like "What!?!?". Then I finally joinedI hope this will stand for many years
. Thanks for everything Ross!
Wow, yeah, definitely doesn't seem like it's been two years.
I was linked to this site way back by Jason, and I originally told him it looked like a "Proboards Wannabe", if I can remember correctly.(This was before I knew Rossy had made it, and also before I'd actually looked into the software at all.
After joining the support board, I began to get active, simply because I was tired of the sites I had been consistently browsing at the time, and also because I thought it would be cool to be a part of what I knew would one day be a big service from (pretty much) day one.![]()
As Wrighty said, Rossy put the forum into MM one day, and upon the forum being opened up again, Wrighty and I had become moderators. I remember that I'd been browsing the forums for 10-15 minutes when I noticed I had a PM from someone saying congratulations...it wasn't until I got that PM that I noticed my name had changed colour.![]()
So, Wrighty and I began torun the placehelp Rossy out here and there, and not too long after, Grahamy joined the team. The three of us were a tight-knit group, all three being good friends (I like to think we still are), talking daily. As time went on, the service grew, became more popular, new features were implemented, new domains were purchased, hosts were moved, Rossy yelled at us (), and time went on.
I guess as our lives went on we kind of drifted apart; still browsing the forums, but not posting much. I do miss the old times, but I know that (at least for the next few years) I won't have the time to put into VF like I used to. I'll still be around daily, posting here and there, helping Rossy out if the need arises, but until I finish post-secondary education, VF unfortuantely will likely not be a priority. I do still hope that one day I can head out to England tobugvisit Grahamy, Ross, & Wrighty (finally getting to that VF Staff Meet-up we'd been planning 2 years ago), though.
I do believe Marc, you still owe Graham a pint! =P