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Resident Evil 5 - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 7th Feb 09 at 10:50am
OK I'm just wondering if anyone here has downloaded the Resident Evil 5 Dem,o yet for either the xBox 360 or the PS3? I downloaded it two days ago and am playing it right now. I do fine in the first stage and all, but I get to the chain saw guy in the second area and I get stopped so quickly its not funny, even in co-op (online) I get stomped hard. Despite that the game is very fun {Smile}

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By blanka (blanka) on 7th Feb 09 at 5:51pm
I've played it a long time ago before the demo was officially release. Because I'm just that special. Anyways, I posted my thoughts last year.

Repost: I really liked it but there's things that really bother me. Keep in mind, I haven't played all the games in the RE franchise so I might not know if some of the features are intended to be like that.

Anywhoo, game graphics while not anything close to Crysis, is easily one of the top graphics I've seen in a game. AI seems pretty smart, they interact well with the actions that I do. Also, great ragdoll physics although it's kinda exaggerated.

However, there's some things that really annoyed me. Like how you can't move while you shoot and how you can't reload unless clip is out (might be because of realism). Also, there wasn't a time where I actually felt scared or anything which I think is needed in a resident evil game. I'm sure this things could be fixed before they release it though.

Those are my first thoughts at least.

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By ashkir (ashkir) on 8th Feb 09 at 1:31am
Hmm. I never played Resident Evil; but as blanka says, cannot shoot while moving? That doesn't make sense, I seen people shoot paint ball guns, etc while they are running, etc. And it also happens in the movies all the time. The reloading thing seems annoying, as in games people may like to be fully loaded at times when attempting a new strategy or something?

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By blanka (blanka) on 8th Feb 09 at 2:35am
Hmm. I never played Resident Evil; but as blanka says, cannot shoot while moving? That doesn't make sense, I seen people shoot paint ball guns, etc while they are running, etc. And it also happens in the movies all the time. The reloading thing seems annoying, as in games people may like to be fully loaded at times when attempting a new strategy or something?
I believe the shooting without moving thing was put in purposely put in by the developers to have a more tense feeling to it. I remember them saying somewhere that they don't won't RE5 to be just another 3rd person shooter.

Either way, I think it still should be added. {Angry}

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 8th Feb 09 at 3:03am
ya they need to go back to the dark theme as well ya the mot being able to move file shooting suck, but all Res games have been like that. But over all they have fixed a lot form the first few games till now.

~Future Game Spoiler~ ( Please Highlight to read)

Resident Evil will go back to its dark roots within the next few game. For o those Res fan you should know that Res isn't just game game its a continuing storyline, every character takes its own in past game and build off of that, providing a full profile of the character within every single Res game. With taht said you should know that Umbrella is down and is being replaces by a new origination known as Tri-Cell, who none other then Whesker himself runs. Though within the next few games Tri-Cell will come in strong making new types of zombies and Silent kill like creatures, and then fade out, leaving Umbrella back in power, were it is planned to go back into its dark base.

~ End of Spoiler~

OK well I hope that give you some in site about the games plans future wise.

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By Brandon (brandon) on 11th Feb 09 at 8:00pm
I played it on the 360 with a friend, even with two of us we could not beat it. {Unsure}

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 12th Feb 09 at 2:41pm
lol the first lvl is easy the second it hard, you need to learn to work together before you can beat it.

Re: Resident Evil 5 - Posted By (¯`•Stormraven•._) (stormraven) on 12th Feb 09 at 5:55pm
Never played it but ive heard its very good.