vForums Support > General :: General :: > Holidays
Holidays - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 29th Nov 08 at 4:12pm
What are your plans for the holidays? What do you celebrate? What will you be doing on your time off school?
Me, I've not really got many plans for Christmas. Probably just open presents, eat turkey, and sleep.
Our Christmas Break from school will be December 19 - January 5th, and during that time I'll be working, shopping, and going to a LAN party.
Re: Holidays - Posted By RuhRoe (mezorro) on 29th Nov 08 at 4:33pm
I have Christmas and New Years coming up. Christmas I'm kinda looking forward to but on New Years I get to have someone over and we party all day. We don't sleep. My brother is gonna be back from college and maybe with his gf.
Re: Holidays - Posted By Nathan (nathaniel) on 29th Nov 08 at 4:35pm
I really don't have plans for Christmas yet. I don't plan that far ahead.
Re: Holidays - Posted By Sven (sven) on 30th Nov 08 at 5:13am
Christmas.... working. I'm flying out to America on the 5th January
Spending 3 weeks doing the West Coast. Christmas is awsome in Australia. 3 weeks till we finish (can't remember the date) and we are off until 28th January 2009. Gotta love summer break
Re: Holidays - Posted By Graham (amusedtodeath) on 30th Nov 08 at 11:20am
I'll be mixing it up this christmas - i'll be traditionally be spending Christmas Eve either working, doing last minute shopping (:-[) then down the pub to celebrate. I've always preferred Christmas Eve then New Years for going out - always busier and pubs don't charge for entrance.
Christmas day will be spent at home with the family - eating, drinking, being merry. I love this time of year so i love the whole thing; the big meal, the sitting down and opening gifts, watching the cheesy programmes. I'll probably show my face on here at some point too, just to make sure everything is how it should be
Boxing day will be at my girlfriends house - her entire family, a MASSIVE meal and a lot of drink
After those days, i'll be back to work for the post-christmas rush.
Re: Holidays - Posted By darkdays (darkdays) on 30th Nov 08 at 6:57pm
Christmas, I'll probably be celebrating, opening gifts, having dinner, eating pie, etc.
Re: Holidays - Posted By Jason (frufru) on 1st Dec 08 at 12:32am
Spending some much needed time at home I guess... and catching up on some sleep before my next work term
And I'll probably either be going to a LAN party, or hosting one myself. Or both, haven't figured it out yet