I have started a new image hosting site!
And considering the first image was uploaded about 4 and half hours ago... I have 32 images hosted! =D
Some Stats
What're your thoughts on what makes the BEST image host?
There's two things I tend to look at in an image host
1) A nice easy to use format when uploading images which isn't cluttered by lots of slow adverts.
2) A reliable server. Nothing puts me off more than having broken images everwhere because an overloaded image server has crashed.
I want the link . Wellll make it so they can change the size and it can be pretty big for a background like image shack. Make it good quality when it comes out. Have an easy acess to it where you aren't looking everywhere for the photo. Like the option of having folders.
#1 - I have a nice simple (imageless! ) layout - and will perhaps have ONE advert at the very bottom. The similar to the one in the header here at vFS.
#2 - it's reliable! =)
I want the link . Wellll make it so they can change the size and it can be pretty big for a background like image shack. Make it good quality when it comes out. Have an easy acess to it where you aren't looking everywhere for the photo. Like the option of having folders.
It's one where you don't Register for the service, similar to tinypic.com - the reason is, a 'member' one is too silly, many people upload an image once - I understand that some people do like to keep them, then they can re-upload.
as for a link, PM me!
Any more thoughts on what makes a good image host?
Photobucket has cool features
Smexi skin
I would suggest hving a regestration system as well so people can go through and modify their images that they have hosted.
Ya I think having a member system would be a good feature I checked yours out the other day and I liked it.
Having a registration system can be bad as well - may as well use PB if that is the case.
Lots of people, including myself - host images on the net for quick purposes only and showcase our final stuff on dA or PB or on a forum. Places like tinypic.com or wimg.co.uk are places that you upload semi completed works so that you can quickly show someone what you've made, get a bit of private CC, then close the window and never think of it again
I actually like quick imagehosts to upload screenshots of errors etc. I'm not a fan of registered image sites because they are less reliable then most. I love the idea of galleries, etc, but most of these sites are overloaded with advertisements, popups, viruses (yes I got a bad ad that tried to hyjack me via photobucket).
Fast hosting is a big plus as well.
Plus uploading this: