So ther day, google released their new favicon, a small letter g. I thought I'd give it a couple of days to get used to it but have come the conclusion that I don't like. I definately preferred the old one because of its simplicity. So which icon do you prefer?
The old one ... it's so more representive of what google is about -> Simplicity and also, the colours of the words around the favicon.
Honestly, I hate the current one!
They both are ok, so im not voting.
I like the old one better. It matches the logo better.
I like the old one better. It matches the logo better.
I'm worried that they'll change the logo next
I like the old one better.
I prefer the old one. It's simple and not annoying to the naked eye. Sometimes small detailed changes piss's off people and this was one of them. I'm the pissed off google lover.
I would like the new favicon if the logo was the same. It keeps the simplicity by simply being a G, but also shows a deeper level of complexity behind it all by being the hard-to-write G. On top of that, the purple is a calm colour, and in my eyes more simple than 4 or 5 colours. As a final note, it also shows that Google is an expanding company, making changes for the future, not always staying the same.
My analysis of that is probably much deeper than what Google was aiming for; they were probably just bored of the old one. But whatever, I still like my theory.
I doubt they'll change the logo, it's tradition! Sergey Brin and Larry Page didn't know HTML, or how to use Photoshop, so they couldn't do anything fancy
Personally, if it ain't broke it doesn't need to be fixed. I'm not a massive fan of the new one...though i'll fully reserve judgement if they change the logo and i'll see what they do to that.
Well, seems it's going to be a full-scale change. Reading BBC News for a different topic, I found this:
Here around a half a dozen engineers are huddled into a cramped office to work on top secret projects. Everyone there was tight lipped about what the next big thing coming out of the room would be but helpfully quipped that it was a new colour.