vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: > Change Sticky Splitter Class
Change Sticky Splitter Class - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 31st Mar 08 at 8:08pm
This code should only really be used if you have split your stickies from normal posts in the admin panel.
[To do this: => Forum Settings]
Use the CSS at the top to style the new bar!
.ann_sep {
background-color: #FF0000;
/*Change Sticky Splitter Class
Created By Wrighty
No: Rip, Repost or Claim */
var d= get('td','tag');
var x = '&nb'+'sp;';
if(d[i].innerHTML == x && d[i].className == 'window1' && d[i].colSpan == '5'){
d[i].className = 'ann_sep';
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