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Hide Last Edit Until Clicked - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 31st Mar 08 at 4:35pm
This code will hide the 'last edit' information until you click the work 'last edit'. When you click that, it will show the last edit information! {Smile}

No editting required! {Smile}

/*Hide Last Edit Until Clicked
Coded By Wrighty
Do Not Rip/Repost or Claim!*/
var i = get('i','tag');

function s_h(id){
    get(id,'id').style.display = (get(id,'id').style.display=='none')? '' : 'none';

        var x = 'last_edit-'+a;
            innerHTML = i[a].innerHTML.replace(/last edit/i,'');
            id = x;
        var _a = document.createElement('a');
            appendChild(document.createTextNode('Last Edit'));
            onclick = function(){ s_h(x); };
        _b = document.createElement('i');
        i[a].parentNode.replaceChild(_b, i[a]);

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