- <script type="text/JavaScript">
- <!--
- //Graphical Confirm Logout
- //Written by Dranew
- //Coninue Image
- var cnt = "URL OF CONTINUE IMAGE";
- cntHeight = "52px";
- cntWidth = "194px";
- //Cancel Image
- var can = "URL OF CANCEL IMAGE";
- canHeight = "52px";
- canWidth = "194px";
- var gLog = {
- sLog:function() {
- var log = get('menu_buttons','id').getElementsByTagName('a')
- log = log[get('menu_buttons','id').getElementsByTagName('a').length-1]
- if(vf_username != 'guest'){
- log.href = 'javascript:gLog.showLog()';
- }
- },
- bLog:function() {
- var tbl = '<div id="logOff" style="display:none;">';
- tbl += '<table class="border" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">';
- tbl += '<tr><td class="title1" width="100%"><span class="title">Log off</span></td></tr>';
- tbl += '<tr><td class="window1" align="center"><h3>You are now logging off</h3>';
- tbl += '<ul><li><a href="/action/logout"><img src="'+cnt+'" height = "'+cntHeight+'" width="'+cntWidth+'" border="0" /></a></li>';
- tbl += '<li><a href=javascript:gLog.showLog()><img src="'+can+'" height = "'+canHeight+'" width="'+canWidth+'" border="0" /></a></li></ul>';
- tbl += '</tr></table></div>';
- document.write(tbl);
- },
- showLog:function() {
- var eLog = get('logOff','id')
- eLog.style.display = (eLog.style.display == "none")? '':'none';
- }
- }
- gLog.bLog();
- gLog.sLog();
- //-->
- </script>