vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: Code Submissions :: > Play noise with New PM

Play noise with New PM - Posted By GlitchesSocom (ravenelle) on 7th Nov 08 at 4:23am
Here is the code I made for my forum. When someone on my forum has a new message then it plays the AOL "You've Got Mail" lol. {Grin}

Just change the URL variable to the url where the mp3 file is located.

  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. <!--
  3. /*play noise when new pm
  4. glitchessocom.vforums.co.uk*/
  6. var URL = 'INSERT URL HERE.MP3';
  8. if(vf_new_pms!= 0) {
  9. document.write('<embed src="' + URL + '" autostart="true" loop="false" volume="100" hidden="true" />');
  10. }
  11. //-->
  12. </script>

Re: Play noise with New PM - Posted By Dreg[Bot] (dregondrahl) on 24th Dec 08 at 5:19pm
What if the person has new PM's and just want to ignore it ?
Personally i think it would be annoying, but im open to if anyone wants this code... Anyone? PM me if you'd use this code.

Re: Play noise with New PM - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 24th Dec 08 at 10:44pm
Glitches, I would suggest adding an "Ignore" link somewhere that sets a cookie to stop the sound from playing anymore for that PM. {Wink}